𝐱. 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝

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| Blüdhaven

April 1, 21:15 EDT

Nightwing, Silk, Miss Martian, Superboy, Wolf, and Mal ride in the SuperCycle to a warehouse in Blüdhaven.

"Nice. Perfect cover for our new digs. On the outside, I mean, it's downright nasty. And it's nasty on the inside, too," Mal says with a frown.

"April fools, right? I mean, this is the Team's new H.Q.? Where's the secret trapdoor to our real base?" Mal wonders.

"Well, it's not exactly our base of operations," Silk speaks, placing both hands on her hips.

"And there's no secret trapdoor. And it's not our new H.Q. For the time being, we'll operate out of the basement of the Hall of Justice. This is just a place to crash. A very temporary stopgap place to crash for those of you who were actually living at the Cave," Nightwing announces.

"It's fine," Superboy responds.

Wolf yawns, lying down on the couch for a nap.

"We're sorry about the lack of privacy, M'gann," Silk tells her with a frown.

"This curtain will have to do for now, but we'll figure something else out," Nightwing tells the Martian.

"Oh, no. No way. I'm out. I'm heading for the Hall. Where I'm making other arrangements, my friend," Mal states.

"You two should go along. Pick up the boxes of your stuff we salvaged from Mount Justice. It might help this warehouse feel more like a ware-home," Nightwing says with a smile.


Back at the warehouse, the Team watches the news of what had transpired at the Hall of Justice.

"There. Problem solved," the Ambassador speaks, using his technology to put an end to the chaos.

"Thank you...Ambassador," Captain Atom states with a frown, bitterly toward the alien.

"Such a shame your hall was destroyed. I suppose it is fortunate to still have your other headquarters. The one in orbit above us now. What is it you call that one? The Watchtower?" The Ambassador questions.

"What?" Secretary Tseng asks, irate.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was that fact not for public consumption?" The Ambassador inquires, causing Silk to glare at the screen.

"Did you hear that, folks? The Justice League has their own eye in the sky. Spying on the very planet they purport to protect. Thank goodness for honest allies like the Reach. And wise men like Secretary Tseng who has invited our new friends to extend their stay on Earth," Godfrey reports.

"What happened to your other arrangements?" Nightwing asks Mal.

"What would you guys do without me?" Mal responds.

"Huh. Where's M'gann?" Mal wonders.

Silk sighs. "She said the place was a bit too much like a boy's dorm, which is understandable," Silk starts.

"And as much as she likes the smell of unwashed socks..." Nightwing remarks.

"And as much as I like washing them," Silk comments, causing Nightwing to playfully glare at her.


| Chicago

April 2, 21:08 CDT

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Nightwing, Silk, Captain Atom, and Black Canary discuss recent events that had transpired.

"The Reach used our own secrets against us, beat us without firing a shot, and even offered to take Despero off our hands. And, I couldn't come up with a reason to say 'no. Hope you have some good news," Captain Atom says in disappointment, glancing at Canary.

"Some answers, at least. With the obvious exception of Blue Beetle, the Reach abductees are of two types...those with a known superpower...and those with the potential to develop one," Canary starts, raising a ball of paperclips in the air.

"I believe we now know what a meta-gene is. A genetic anomaly that allows certain humans to adapt new survival abilities when exposed to trauma. The Reach, I think...seeks to cultivate the gene and weaponize it," Canary speaks.

"Which is probably what brought the Reach and the Kroloteans here in the first place," Silk theorizes.

"All thanks to the Light sending the League to Rimbor and putting Earth and its heroes square in the galactic spotlight," Nightwing concludes.

Suddenly, the door opens, revealing Blue.

"Beetle?" Canary questions in shock.

"I'm sorry. I've been hiding something. But I can't... I just can't," Blue says.

"Uh, Blue, Blue, Blue. Blue, what happened to keep quiet?" Impulse asks him, causing Silk to raise a confused brow.

"No. Time for the truth. Impulse says that sometime in the future I betray Earth and bring on a Reach Apocalypse. That's not a future I can live with," Blue reveals, causing Nightwing and Silk's eyes to widen, the pair glancing at each other in surprise.

"So, whatever it takes, get this scarab off me," Jaime demands, pointing at the blue scarab attached to his back.


𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐛𝐬 🕸️ 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐧/𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now