Something New

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Staying a year in the hyperbolic time chamber could do wonders, but you hated that you'd only ever get one more chance to use it, unless you wanted to be lost in it forever.

Both you and Zamasu helped each other throughout the training you put yourselves under. Most of the fighting that you would do was mainly for training, but there had been instances as to when you wanted the green Kai to truly deal with his frustrations.

You didn't want to be the only one getting the benefits of this private year, and you reassured Zamasu that he didn't have to worry so much about injuring you by accident. Most of his underlying issues he could hide very well, but he needed this release more than even you. He actually knew about his memories, he relieved them in his head, and there was no way that he could be as stable as he was letting on.

It led to quite the heated argument because of this, at least for a moment considering your stubbornness outmatched his own, but he eventually gave in with a rather large energy spike. You couldn't dodge all of his attacks, but you definitely made sure that his stamina went down enough to where he was actually breaking a sweat. Or at least until you couldn't fight back anymore.

It wasn't as terrifying as it sounded. You weren't beaten black and blue or so much as to where you couldn't move, but Zamasu's strength was still highly insane. He would regain his composure soon enough, and his guilt would make him rather untalkative for a few hours, if not a whole day. But you always had a remedy for that, too, which was usually a few different ways of stress relief tactics.

Fresh tea, long soaks in a warm bubble bath, and more recently actual massages.

There were also little gestures like combing your fingers through his hair, or trapping him in a nice hug until he caved, or just laying next to him. You loved Zamasu, and you needed him to truly know that you'd be there for him as much as he was for you.

And he always was.

You two went through a lot of meditation to help clear your minds, and relax your body. At least meditation was supposed to be calmer than other activities. You two would usually sit back to back, or face each other, ignoring the random temperature spikes or drops within the time chamber as you did.

However, you discovered that when you were deep into your meditating, your raw and tampered memories would start to make themselves known. At first, it would come with a terrible headache bordering on a migraine, but over time with the recurring meditation, you could ignore them.

Every memory you had though wasn't just from the other timeline that you and Zamasu shared. You were remembering things further in your past, some being from literal centuries ago. You'd speak to Zamasu about those, intriguing the Kai and even yourself.

You still didn't know why you decided to reside here in Universe Seven, on this planet no less, but maybe it has been a good thing.

No, it was a good decision. You just did it too early, perhaps.

Five and a half months into the time chamber, you were working on something simple, which was really just proper etiquette on the basics of choosing the correct cups and serving plates. It wasn't necessary, but it was fun to try and figure out.

Cooler colors on the tea sets to go with the warmer seasons, and warmer colors for the cooler seasons. Or for certain events, you'd go with whatever matches the mood to a precise degree.

Zamasu would watch your decisions, unable to keep a smile off of his face at the childish delight you seemed to have when you got to choose what set to use. This would usually happen after you finished training with each other, it was a cute moment every single time to the Kai.

As you let the tea brew, you felt Zamasu's arms sneaking around your waist gently. Closing his eyes, Zamasu had his cheek resting against the top of your head, beginning to sway with you gently and making you giggle a bit. You were glad to see part of you rubbing off on him, rocking in sync with him comfortably and rubbing his arms gently.

"Y/N... Why don't we actually try this time.." Zamasu muttered softly, making you blink. "What do you mean?"

"For a child."

You froze on the spot for a moment, your eyes widening greatly as you stay staring at the tea kettle atop the stove before you move away from him, your face heating up hotly. "I... I don't know if that's a good idea right now, Zamasu. I-It.. it would be.. I mean.. it'll interfere... And.. I.. I mean.." You get the kettle off of the stove when it begins to whistle while stammering over your words, setting it down carefully and moving to get down the cups you have both been using. All the while Zamasu starts approaching you, making you flustered when you turn around to face him fully.

Feeling your back hit against the small sink counter near the stove, a shiver runs down your spine strongly when Zamasu boxes you in. With both of his hands resting on the counter by your arms, his knee gently presses between your legs, as his eyes stay locked onto yours.

Your breath hitches in your throat, and you're almost unable to speak up before you're shaking your head and looking down. "I... I can't."

Your words don't make Zamasu move away from you, but before he can say anything you continue to speak.

"I'd.. I'd just be holding you back...and I would be a terrible mother."  You say, doubt in your voice.

"And what makes you think that, Y/N?" Zamasu asks softly, running one hand up the length of your arm softly before resting it on your cheek. "I've seen the way you do things, how you are with those earthlings. You're a goddess of life, and you uphold that title without even trying. You're a naturally caring person, a loving woman, and a damned good fighter when it comes to protecting the ones you love. You take care of everyone, even when you aren't taking care of yourself, and you never let anything stop you."

Your eyes lift up slowly, getting caught in the intense look that Zamasu is giving you. His gaze is so full of love and passion, and true happiness, that you can't look away this time.

"I want to always be the one that's there for you, to see your love and compassion be grown into something as beautiful and divine as yourself. But, I also wish to see that love being shared and adored by others. I want to be a family with you. I want us to have a family that we can call our own...But... Only if you want to do this."

You stare into his eyes, slowly leaning your head against the hand he has on your cheek before reaching up slowly to cup his cheek in return. You watch as he leans into your hand softly with a slight dip of his head, his lips brushing over your open palm.

"Okay, Zamasu. But... This will be bringing a lot more than just a few challenges our way, you know."  You say unsurely, feeling his forehead rest against yours gently.

"Yes, I'm aware, but I'm also ready to face all of those challenges. However, I'm not going to force you to carry a child, either. Nor will you be alone."

You smile softly, knowing that what he said was the truth. Zamasu moves and rests his free hand over your stomach softly, closing his eyes a bit. "It's still your choice, especially as of when, if you say yes to this."

You lean up a bit and softly peck your lips against his, resting your free hand over his. "I'll think about it, but I'm not saying no." Nodding softly, Zamasu relaxes and smiles gently at you, making your smile grow.

You still had about six and a half months to go, after all.

For Eternity (Zamasu x Black fem Reader x Goku Black)Where stories live. Discover now