Chapter 5

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The whole day consisted of us all walking around Brussels. The architect of the city was magnificent, I could look at it all day and not get tired of it. I dragged Vita into a few shops with me to try some things on but she was not having it. She had been fighting with Tomaz all night so there had been a bad vibe going on.

"It is a stupid fight Vita, just be the bigger person and apologies" I told her. We were sitting in a small cafe while the boys went out to buy cigs. They seriously were the biggest smokers I had met, especially Jure.

"It is a stupid thing to get upset over but I know if I don't stand my ground it won't go away" She told me. The fight was for real about Tomaz leaving wet towels on the floor and yesterday Vita slipped on it which caused her to fall and get a bruise. The fight started with that subject but ended up with them complaining about every single thing that bothered them.

"How serious can towels be?" I asked her with a grin on my face.

"You don't get Lia. You would know if you actually got into a relationship that would last more than 3 months" Vita told me.

"Just because you are in a bad mood, don't let it affect my fantastic mood" I put a hand on her shoulder. I started coughing though because I had a small cold. 

"Sorry" She said. "But in all honesty, why don't you get into a relationship?"

"I haven't found the right person" I told her.

It was true what I was telling her but deep down I knew it was because I was so afraid of someone getting to know me on such a deep level. Stras was the only one I had let in. Sure I had a lot of close friends who I felt comfortable with but they didn't know all my mistakes and flaws.

I wasn't the flawless person I tried to be.

"There is still many fish in the ocean" Vita assured me. 

The boys started to approach us. We were sitting outside with blankets since it was so cold. They all took a seat and lighted their cigs. "Can I have one?" I asked Stras who sat next to me. He nodded and pulled out a cig for me. "Shit I forgot my lighter" he said.

The only person who actually had his lighter on him was Bojan who was sat opposite of me. "Bojan pass me your lighter"

"Beg for it" Bojan told me.

"Seriously what is it with you and showing off your kinks these days. Last night it was bondage and today it is begging for it? Is the next one gonna be knife play?" I raised an eyebrow at him. 

The others started laughing at it. Bojan started laughing himself from how ridiculous it was. "Now you are not getting that lighter"

"Come on cunt, be nice for once" I told him.

"Last time I tried to be nice to you, you got mad at me for helping you. So no I'm not going to be nice, you give me no reason to even talk to you" Bojan said. 

"Way to ruin the good mood idiot" I said and got up from the table. 

I needed to go get my own pack of cigs if I had to keep hanging out with Bojan. Also because I needed a lighter. I heard Stras yell my name as he caught up with me.

"What did you mean about bondage kink?" He asked me as we walked to the shop.

"Last night was a bit hectic. He was taking up the whole bed so I pushed him off it. However he then decided to pin me to the bed where he told me to shut the fuck up" I explained to him.

"Uhh getting physical already" Stras had a big grin on his face.

"Stras no. Just stop whatever thoughts you have going on right now" I told him.

Flawless - Bojan CvjetićaninWhere stories live. Discover now