Chapter 19

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The constant traveling every single day was getting a bit exhausting but we were on our 4th last show of the tour in London so I had to enjoy every single bit of it that was left.

It was the start of May so the weather was finally getting better so I didn't have to wear three coats when I would leave the bus. The spring sun hitting my arms as I stepped out into London city. I was going out for lunch with Stras and Bojan.

Ever since Copenhagen me and Bojan had started to hang out quite a lot. He was really growing on me and his company just felt relaxing. But it was all so new to me to not have this hatred against him anymore, it felt like a bunch of weight had been lifted off my shoulders after so many years.

We decided to go to a local restaurant. I took a seat across from the two guys. After we all had ordered we started up some small conversation.

"Are you ready for the Dublin show tomorrow?" I asked Bojan.

"Fuck yeah. I have missed the guys from Dublin so much. It will be like old times when we had our first performance in Dublin with them. I really missed that tour, it was so much fun" Bojan said daydreaming about those days.

"You should like an old man talking about his young days" Stras laughed.

"It has only been two years but still the amount of fame we have gained since then is crazy. These days we are playing at sold out stadiums, back then we weren't even able to sell out Electric Ballroom in London" Bojan told us.

"You really have come a long way " I smiled at Bojan. He returned a smile back. That smile was just too cute to not smile at.

"Should I get my own table or what?" Stras awkwardly asked me and Bojan who couldn't stop looking at each other. The mood changed when he said that and turned it very awkward for us all.

"Food is here finally" Bojan announced.

The waiter placed the food on our table and Bojan immediately took his phone out and took a photo of his food and started texting someone.

"Who are you texting?" Stras asked.

"My mami. She asked me if I was eating since she thought I looked a bit skinny on some of the pictures she had seen. I'm just proving that I'm eating" Bojan giggled.

He was so cute to I started taking pictures of him. He really was a mama's boy.

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After we had finished eating we decided to stroll around the streets of London. We walked to the London Bridge and watched the famous Big Ben from afar. I needed some new clothes for tonights show so I forced them to go into a few vintage shops with me.

I would normally go with Jan since he had better fashion sense but I didn't mind their company. I tried on a few dresses but they were both hard judges and told me it was all ugly. My last dress was this silk green lace dress that hugged my waist perfectly but it was hard for me to do the sipper so I had to ask for assistance.

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