Chapter 27

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It was the last day of Rok, Jere and Stras stay here with us in Trenta so I wanted to make sure I got most out of it as possible. I started the morning off by doing a hike with Stras and Bojan through the mountains. 

"I can't believe this is real" Stras said to us.

"What do you mean?" I confusedly asked him while I was holding Bojan's hand.

"You two. I remember when I was sitting with Lydia back in my apartment when she first said yes to go on tour with us, she was disgusted by the thought of being in the same room as you, but look at you guys now" Stras said in awe over the moment.

"Things change and we have grown as people. I couldn't be more grateful for my life right now, I have everything right here with me" I swung my arms around my best friend and my boyfriend. They both gave me a kiss on the forehead at the same time putting a smile on my face.

"I told you Lia that we would be the perfect trio" Stras told me. He really did say that but back then I didn't believe that it would ever happen.

"I love you two so much. You have become like my family I picked out myself" I said with almost tears in my eyes.

"I love you Lia" they both said in sync.

We kept walking through the mountains until I stopped up since this swarm of butterflies invaded us. They were everywhere flying with their beautiful wings. I felt as if I was in heaven so I kept looking at them with soft eyes for a good moment or two.

Bojan and Stras stood there just watching me being completely memorised by these butterflies. "This feels like a dream" I said to them.

"Seriously what is your obsession with butterflies, I never understood it" Stras put both of his hands on his hips observing me.

"You see butterflies represent change, freedom, love, hope and positivity. Everything I want in my life is the meaning of a butterfly. I will change though the years for the better and hopefully be will with love and hope for what the future might hold" I said while still focusing on the butterflies.

They slowly started disappearing into the mountains one by one. I walked over to Bojan and pecked his lips. "What was that for?" He smiled.

"Nothing" I smiled back at him.

We turned our attention back on Stras who stood there with the biggest smile on his lip. "You guys make me believe that true love exist" he said holding his hand over his heart. "Oh come here loverboy" Bojan said and pulled him into our embrace.


After I had gotten back to the cabin I quickly changed into my bathing suit and dragged Rok to the lake while the others worked on the music. Rok and I were splashing around in the water for hours just enjoying each others company.

I had almost known Rok as long as I had known Stras so he was like a brother to me. We had grown up seeing each other cry, laugh, smile and so on. 

We got up from the water and decided to chill a bit in the grass. "So how is everything with you and Bojan going?" Rok asked me.

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