'Chance' Meeting

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Your small town was practically a paradise to an introvert like you. Not many people lived here, and those that did kept to themselves, even your neighbours, not a lot of buildings besides the essentials, including a library.
And best of all, the woods behind your house made the perfect place for your photography hobby. When your body allows you to go outside that is. Bursitis was a literal pain to deal with and it wasn't like there was a real cure for it, unless you wanted arthritis quicker.
But I digress.
After finally coming back home from your job, you decide to push yourself a little more into staying outside longer. So with music still playing on your phones, you take a small trip to the woods, making sure to take small steps so that you didn't make your thigh worse.
As far as you knew, hedgehogs, crows, squirrels and even pheasants lived there. But you had more of a chance seeing birds and squirrels than anything else.
It was why you always carried bird seeds and acorns to hide in areas they were most likely to 'hunt', it would give them a challenge to look for it while also not being babied and eating from human hands.
At least they were given a better chance of living compared to the outside world.

You pause your music for a moment to listen to the sounds of nature. The birds were happily chirping away, the leaves were rustling to a song you couldn't hear.
Silence was a nightmare for you sometimes. You could never handle it unless it was time for bed. But being surrounded by nature, it was manageable at best.
The sensation quickly left though when you heard a large commotion from the birds sitting in the clearing. They sounded, frazzled. Like something disturbed them.
Your instinct to fight or flight screamed for you to run away, confrontation was not a strong suit of yours and you would immediately freeze like a statue when pressured enough. But what if something was wrong and you were the only person at the moment? Sure people came here to walk their dogs but they never really cared about any repercussions.
Hell one time you heard a yelp but you had no idea if it was the person or the dog who had made it. You had ran away like a coward.
Now though, the rational part of you wanted to go and check it out. But what if the same incident happened this time? Would you be able to handle the consequences?
When you see movement in the distance, of a person trying to get up only to fall down again, your choice was made for you. You ran toward the area you saw the movement, making sure to watch where your going so that you don't fall over any tree roots that were sticking up.
When you come into the clearing, you immediately see that it was a male that had been moving. And he was bleeding on his face and arm.
All common sense immediately left you as you ran to his side to talk to him.
"Sir, can you hear me?" you asked as calmly and quietly as you can, you were freaking out on the inside and the last thing you needed to do was panic at the poor man.
Who was now looking at you as if he hadn't heard you. His face reminded you of when you were close to passing out because you forgot to take your medication.
"Sir. Can you hear me?" you ask in a slightly louder tone but as calmly as you could, you slowly place a hand on his arm in the hopes it would ground him "do you know what happened?"
His hand reaches out towards you, and then he went limp. Causing you to let go of him in surprise and shock.
You were stumped. There was no way you could pick this guy up even if you didn't have physical issues. You wanted to call for an ambulance, that was the most logical choice to do in this kind of situation.
But something in your gut was telling you that the hospital was a REALLY bad idea, his appearance for one thing, was really old fashioned, you may not be an expert in the fashion department, but his style of clothing was certainly not modern. You would have thought that he had come to this town for a convention. If this place had them to begin with.
GAH! this isn't the time for guessing games, he was hurt, injured and most likely getting worse by the second, help first, guess his life afterward.
You have no friends to call for help, unless you count the people at work. Maybe one of them could help? It was a long shot but it was the only choice you had. It wasn't like you could just drag him back to your house, THAT would make people suspicious.
"What the hell?"
You jump and look up at the sound, it was some dog owner walking their animal, they also had a friend/partner with them too.
"Please. Help" you force the words out "my friend collapsed"
"Is he still breathing? I'm a doctor" they ask as they get closer and move him into the recovery position.
OH HOW WONDERFULLY CONVENIANT! your brain screamed "he's breathing, he just has a cut on his head, I don't see anything else though, this isn't the first time this has happened"
"What's his name?"
Oh fish sticks "Ben Polk" you blurt out.
Shut the hell up before you make things worse.
"Our phones don't have a signal here for some reason" the not-doctor replied "they just cut off when we got into the clearing, odd as it is" they frowned.
This was perfect "my house is close by, if he's safe to move, we can take him back"
The doctor looks at you with narrowed eyes "or we could wait for my friend to get a signal to call for an ambulance"
You point to the dark sky "it's going to rain any moment, and if he is safe to move, keeping him here is only going to make him worse and possibly give him a cold" was that really a good idea though?
A groan destroys the tension, and all three of you look down to see the man shifting, and when he opens his eyes, he's looking directly at you. Sure it was more like he was looking past you, but at least it was you and not another new person. Hopefully he remembered your face before he passed out.
"Mr Polk, can you hear me?" the doctor asks "do you know where you are?"
He doesn't say anything other than to look at you, and you think he was looking at the area behind you since his eyes flickered away from you. Unless he was trying to focus.
"What happened?" he croaked, he had an odd accent you had never heard of before.
"Your friend here said you passed out, do you remember what happened before that?" the doctor continued "sir can you hear me?" they repeated.
The way they spoke, it was almost as if they were accusing him of being drunk. Sure his voice sounded a little groggy, but that didn't automatically mean he was a drunkard. Concussions could do that too.
Oh crap, concussions.
"Are you okay as can be?" you ask calmly.
This time he looks you straight in the eye, and slowly nods, when you ask him if he can stand, he says he thinks so.
When the doctor tries to touch him, he jumps and tries to move away from the touch. Your beginning to wonder whether or not this person really was a doctor.
"A simple cut on the head isn't enough for you to look like this" she gestures to him "get up and stop faking"
You could feel your mouth drop in shock at this, disgusting, show. Where the hell did this come from? "I think we'll be fine now thank you"
The 'doctor' looked at you as if they were going to chew your head off for interrupting her 'questioning' and 'examination'. But the friend thankfully stepped in.
"Your friend is fine, its just a bump on the head, but I would suggest keep an eye on it for the next 24 hours to be safe" they said before turning to their friend "and you stop doing this, it's no wonder you got kicked out, your attitude is atrocious"
As they continue talking, you carefully lean down to look at the man "are you okay to stand? I can take you somewhere quieter if that's the case" the poor man looked overwhelmed with the people talking, like they were going to attack him like a wild animal.
You slowly move your hand in front of his face when he doesn't reply, he flinches but looks at you, his breathing was fast but not enough to warrant a panic attack.
"Want out" he whispers "out here"
"You want to leave here?" he nods "can you stand or do you need help?"
"Try self" maybe the shock was messing with his speech? You suppose it could be possible.
"Okay, just use my arm if you need leverage" you stand up and hold your arm out as the man groggily shifts his weight until he was sitting up.
"He shouldn't be moving, we don't know if he has a concussion" for the love of peace.
"We're leaving, now" the friend gives you a 'sorry' look before leaving.
You don't even try to think about what the fudge just happened, you had someone else to sort out. And he was currently trying to stand with great difficulty.
"Do your legs feel heavy?" you ask cautiously.
"Yes" he looked frustrated as he tried to get up again.
You automatically reach out to grab his arm and he goes stiff as a board, you quickly remove your hand and apologise. Mentally beating yourself up for touching him without permission.
"I. Might need help. Please" he says softly, his accent seemed thicker than before.
"Of course" you hold both arms out with your palms looking up "we can do this two ways, either I lift you up by your arms and let you try to get up yourself, or I wrap an arm around your waist, your arm around my shoulder and I lift you up by myself" well you carry most of his weight but you don't think its good to over explain.
He's silent for a moment, then asks for the second option. You lean down and gently grab his arm over to your shoulder, doing it slowly so that he didn't freak out or decided to change his mind. Once that was done, you carefully place your right arm around his waist and explain to him that on the count of three, you would pull him up and he would try to stand on his feet. Once he agreed, you counted.
"One. Two" your grip tightened on his arm and waist "three"
You lifted him up for a few seconds before gravity kicked in and he began to fall, his legs were limply moving. You keep silent though, the last thing you want is to make him more uncomfortable than he already was.
Your back cried in pain from the weight but you fought your hardest to ignore it. You lift him up a few times when he slipped but he eventually succeeded in moving his legs.
What the heck happened to warrant noodle legs?
"Want me to let go so you can try and walk?" you ask once he's stable.
"I don't trust myself at the moment" he whispers, you cringe as his breath hits your ear and forces your back to straighten and tingle uncomfortably.
"Okay, I might um, have to move my hand on your waist a bit before we try walking" it was literally on his waist, pelvis? And dispite acting like a professional, you did not feel comfortable keep it there.
The man looked down and his face immediately looked uncomfortable and embarrassed "okay" his voice cracked.
"I'm really sorry about this"
"Don't be, I'm impressed you were able to lift me up" he tittered with a freaky smile.
You let it slide and don't take it to heart, bad enough that he has to really on you to help him up, he could just be blathering out of nerves. You've done it before but through jokes.
You quickly move your hand into a better position and tell him to try and take a step.
It was sloppy at first but he was able to managed a few steps forward without buckling.
"I'm afraid the walk might take a while" you apologise "the clearing is more or less in the centre of the woods"
"I like woods" he whispers "perfect place to hide"
Hide? Hide from what? "I don't suppose your beginning to remember anything else?"
"Everything's a blur, like looking at a reflection from a rippled water surface" his legs wobbled for a second but he kept moving "is Ben Polk my real name?"
"No it isn't" you reply "I'm sorry but I don't know who you are and I didn't think it was appropriate to check your pockets for identity" as far as you were concerned you would have been fondling an unconscious person.
You would never be able to forgive yourself if you went through with it.
"I don't think I need memory loss to know that it would have looked, inappropriate" his face looks at you for a moment as if to confirm his suspicions.
"It would have if you had woken up at the same time" you chuckle nervously "that would have certainly been an awkward conversation, and since your asking me that, I'm guessing you don't know either?"
"I think it starts with an A, when I was unconscious I heard that letter but the rest was muffled, like I was underwater, but I'm okay with being called Ben until I remember"
You weren't sure if this conversation was to help both of you ease the tension, or because you were extremely nervous and were just talking to calm yourself down. Either way you still welcomed it. Two dorks trying to make the other comfortable but still making things awkward. At least it wasn't some cliché story.
What next, a murderer chasing you in the woods?
You blink out of your thoughts "pardon?"
"Al, it's Al something" he sounded so sure "why can't I remember anything?"
"Hey" you pause your walking to tighten your grip and look at him as best you could "don't force yourself to remember okay? That could make things worse, for now, let's focus on getting you to my house, get your self cleaned up while I search for some clothes that, hopefully, will fit you" he was a bit taller than you, he most likely will have his ankles showing if he wore any bottoms of yours.
You doubt he would be comfortable wearing any nightshirts of yours.
"The best we can do for now is take one day at a time, help you get back on your feet, then see about your memory" you say as you continue to walk.
"Why are you helping me? If we don't know each other, why are you helping me? A (racial slur)"
You almost trip on your feet as you look at him with a gobsmacked expression, he actually remembered someone insulting him with THAT word? What the actual hell?
"What?" he asks as if he didn't just remember something.
"Okay whoever said that deserves a punch in the gut and force fed the spiciest peppers on the planet" you growl as you continue the walk at a slower pace "anyone who says those kinds of things either have never been loved before or are taking their anger out on other people, whether your a bad person or not, no one deserves to be called that word"
The rest of the walk was silent.

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now