An Urge Unknown

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To say Ben frequently used his new diary was an understatement, he wrote every little thing he could think of that even remotely came close to resembling his memories. He didn't want to risk wasting a single drop of these fragments should they eventually fill a bigger picture.

As of now, the book was 5 pages full of words (he did make sure to thank Foxglove for the book as it had been very helpful). He was honestly impressed and surprised that he had filled up that many pages in the past few, weeks? He honestly lost track of time. Still, he did make an effort not to force the memories to come out, he let them come naturally through actions and time.

He had also gotten used to going outside to take care of his plants, he had learned how to garden thanks to Foxglove's books. And his plant was taking root quite well, he was honestly considering trying out some vegetable seeds to save up the cost. He had been hearing things on the radio, talks of a potential pandemic, something about the flu?

He couldn't recall the words, but it definitely left an ill feeling in his stomach, and he didn't like it one bit. Whatever the case though, he knew he had to do something to help pull his weight around the house, sure he kept things clean as well as any mess he had made. But he found himself starting to get restless, pacing and fiddling around with things he had just put down or sorted through.

Not even going outside to care for his plants was enough to quench this, urge, he felt stirring inside of him. His fingers twitched, and clenched, and his heart felt like it was trying to jump out of his chest. He didn't know what this was, but he needed to get out. He needed to breathe in something that wasn't air.

He. Needed. To...

"I'm back- Ben?"

Ben blinked as his eyes began to focus on his surroundings, odd, he didn't recall breathing this heavy before, nor closing his eyes. And when did Foxglove get here?

"Ben? Your safe sunflower"

His hand twitched as he felt his hand be touched by something soft and gentle.

She could never know these hands were stained by something that could never be washed away. She was a saint compared to him.

"I think I need to sit down" he whispers as he moves for the sofa, his head beginning to feel like someone was punching it "my head hurts"

Foxglove helped to get him settled before asking in a low tone "do you want to try taking some pain medicine? Or would you rather let it go on its own?"

Ben wasn't a big fan of taking those big-looking 'tablets' as Foxglove called them when he once woke up with a migraine. How they were able to swallow them was beyond him.

"Wait for it to go on its own" he replied in the same tone "and before you ask, no, I wasn't trying to force any memories out, it just triggered when I got this, odd rush"

"First of all I wasn't going to ask about you forcing memories, second, what was this odd rush? Did you do something to trigger it? Because from my point of view, it looked more like a panic attack"

Ben uttered the word 'no' "it felt more like, I needed to walk?"

He watches as Foxglove frowns and and hums thoughtfully, they don't look nice without a smile "did this occur when you were doing something or were you resting at the time?"

"I had just finished checking on the lavender, then I was about to walk around the house to see if there was anything that needed cleaning, but then this, odd feeling took over, like I should be doing more than just, walk"

"I think this is good news"

He looked at them in confusion "really?"

They hum in agreement "it means that you might be ready to try and go outside again, well, here I mean, this could be your body's way of saying that it feels comfortable to try something else, something more challenging"

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