Change Isn't Always Bad

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I'm going to be honest guys, this story is starting to feel a little, weak to me, I honestly was looking forward to experimenting with a human Alastor but now I feel like I'm messing it up. I know he's meant to be ooc at first because, well, in a sense amnesia people are trying to gain their identity back. Alastor is doing the same thing, UGH! this is frustrating.
I know I might be asking for too much, but to anyone who is willing to comment, could you please give me your honest opinion on this story? Have I botched up somewhere and made it childish or repetitive?
Thank you all in advance and happy reading.

You feel like a complete idiot that you didn't see it sooner. You've been irritated more than you usually were, you act like everything is fine when you walk home with Al walking next to you, arms linked as he talks about something or other, and when you get home you have to quickly leave his presence so that you can get into your room and scream/sing into your pillow and listen to rock/metal music to let out your frustrations through your headphones.

For now though, your smacking your head against the wall over the fact that you had been living a lie ever since you found him in the woods all those months ago. You feel so stupid for not realising it until now.

You've been 'masking' in front of Al since day one, you've been lying about your personality to him and you hadn't even realised it. He might have helped you with your fear of physical contact and social interactions somewhat, but when was the last time you ever showed the real you in front of him besides the meltdown? When was the last time you sang to your hearts content in the kitchen or in the living room? Or just danced around without a care in the world?

The answer was never. You always did it in the safety of your bedroom because you knew it was the only place Al wouldn't go in unless it was a last resort. You never sang out loud unless it was humming some song you hear on the radio. Both at home and at work.

You smack your face with your hand and groan, both from the throbbing head injury and frustration for not realising it sooner, muttering stupid over and over as you beat yourself up for being so stupid. There was no way he was going to like the real you now, not when he's been exposed to the fake you for so long.

It's been nearly a year now since you first found him, there was no way he was going to-

"Foxglove dear, dinner is ready"

You blink and looked at the door in confusion, only to realise that your vision was blurry, odd, you don't remember crying.


"I'm okay" you cry out in a panic "I'll, I'll be down in a moment"

There was no respose, but you do hear footsteps going downstairs. That's when you start to giggle-laugh at how ridiculous you've been. For the first time in your existence you wanted to remove your mask in front of someone that you feel comfortable being around, and you have no idea how to do that. How ironic.

Oh well, time to face the music.

Al hummed to the music on the radio as he placed the both plates on the table and sat down. Another great day with his friend was always good as far as he was concerned, it meant that he had more time to see this strange world and have somewhere to come back to.

Granted he wasn't too fond of working in a charity shop but he was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, hmm, perhaps he could look for another place to work that would pay, he was already able to walk and interact with others without Foxglove being near-by, walking home with them by his side was just a treat he was willing to take, even if he wasn't fond of sweat things.

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now