Grand Day Out

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The next day went about as well as the previous one, Ben managed to make toast after you showed him how to use the toaster, then made himself eggs and sausage again. He seemed better than last night but you were not going to ask about it. You had already discussed it and had no intention of bringing it up again.

Work went about as well as you would expect, thankfully no one was acting out of line.

Getting back home was somewhat better than yesturday, Ben had tried cooking something else from one of the cookbooks, only to burn some of it in the process. And nearly setting the place on fire.

You nearly had a meltdown from that statement and you had to dig your nails into your lap to stop yourself from lashing out at Ben. The poor guy looked like a kicked puppy as it waited to be scolded.

And the last thing you wanted was to kick a dog while it's down. You refuse to be like that with anyone.

"These things happen" was all you said "and you managed to stop anything serious from happening, that's progress as far as I'm concerned, great work Ben" you gave him a smile and a thumbs up.

Ben felt another real smile appear on his face and not once did it fall for the rest of the day.

Day off is here. Day off if near. Wait, it's the other way around. Nevermind.


Despite the anxiety flooding your entire body, as well as nausea, you get out of bed with a spring in your step as you get yourself ready for the outing. You had everything planned out for today and there was no hecking way you were going to mess it up this time.

Now you just had to see if Ben was willing to eat out instead of in.

You were slightly surprised to see Ben sitting at the table already, dressed in his 'outdoor' clothes (which were the only ones he had).

"Morning Ben" you say politely, and not as loud as you usually are "ready to give today a go?"

"Not really" was his dried reply "but I am getting kind of uncomfortable wearing only this for outdoors"

"Fair enough, well, I've got everything planned out, and if your up for it, we can go out and have breakfast since not many people will be out at this time"

"I'm not sure if I'm up for eating anything at the moment"

"Then we can grab a snack instead, but it's completely up to you"

He gives you a strange look "you seem really happy to get me out"

"Not really, I would prefer you stay inside until you were fully ready, but" you pause as you try to think of the next words carefully "I know from experience that it's not good to stay inside until your ready, because sometimes, it can backfire so badly that you never want to leave the house again"

This time Ben looked at you with surprise.

"Again, I do understand why you would want to stay inside, and I won't hold it against you, but if you keep delaying it, it will only make things worse in the long run"

"Your right" he replies after a moment of silence "hiding makes me weak, makes me think this amnesia is getting the best of me" you see his hand turn into a fist "I refuse to let that happen"

You weren't sure what to make of this sudden change so you try to stay encouraged "we don't have to go out everyday, we can try small things and build it from there, that way we're not pushing it and straining you so much, but we can sort that out after we get you some more clothes"

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now