Small Adjustments and Hiccups

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You don't check your phone the entire time you sat in silence, as much as you would like to, you knew that if you did you would end up pushing him into moving. And there was no way you were going to do that after he just had an anxiety attack. It would have made you a hypocrite 100%.

So you just settled for fiddling with your hands and picking your nails as you waited for him, a true test of your patience to be sure. But you were willing to suffer if it meant helping him.

Even if it meant people were judging you both. With all those eyes... sod them.

"We should get going, before the shops shut" you hear him mutter, his accent sounded heavier than before.

You wanted to say more, but you bite the inside of your mouth to stay silent.

"It isn't that far" you say as you get up and point in the direction you had originally been heading down "it's on this street, charity shops always have some decent clothing, but they might be a little tight or loose"

He hums but that was it. You don't make any attempt for small talk. You also make an effort to walk at a decent speed that doesn't make you look like your running from something, so it took less time for you to get to the shop.

You hold the door open for him and gesture for him to go first.

"Good sir" you say in a silly accent with a slight bow.

You hoped you saw his mouth twitch as he walked past you because otherwise you would be a real jerk for giving him a small smile yourself. Despite this though you make sure not to comment on it, thankfully neither did he.

When you step into the building, your hit with the smell of, well, old/used clothing (but clean), books, board games, and plastic if you got real close to the kids toys.

Which you had zero intention of doing. You were here for only one thing. Clothes for Ben, ones that would hopefully fit him enough until your outing.

"They have everything split up so we won't have any problems looking for the male section" you whisper to him before pointing to said area "it's that one, the wall behind it has all the trousers and jewellery"

By 'that one' you were referring to the clothes rack that had five 'arms' stretching outwards into something similar to a starfish. Shirts, jumpers, button down tops all rested on each pole. The wall rack had two separate poles, one for coats and the other for male bottoms, both shorts and trousers.

The only downside to buying charity clothing is that they didn't sell underwear or shoes, so poor Ben would have to wait until your day off before he could get any spares. Poor guy.

Ben observed the hangers of tops and lightly ran his fingers over them, not even trying to shift them to have a better look. It left you confused, did he have some autistic traits like you did? Did he too also enjoy the feeling of different materials under his fingertips?

A question for another time.

"When your done, just let me know so I can show you where you can try them on to see if they fit" you say.

You only got silence as a response.

"Would you like me to help you or would you prefer to look yourself?" you asked cautiously.

He stays silent, fiddling with the clothes as if they had something stuck to them. So you quietly moved away to let him think calmly without you breathing down his neck. There was a huge difference between nudging someone in the right direction and pushing them off a cliff.

You decide to look at the books for something that Ben might consider reading when you worked tomorrow. He might have read a cook book or two but perhaps he'd try different genre books. Maybe you could ask him about it afterward.

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now