Bad Day

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TRIGGER WARNING! this contains talk of depression, discussion of dementia, and eating habits

You didn't put a lot of Christmas decorations up as you never really understood the spirit and meaning of Christmas. But this time you decided to get the out tree and decorate it just enough to make it look lively for Ben.

He seemed to enjoy placing the star on top and even made a joke about it, that was the first time you let out a real laugh and he started pull out puns and dad jokes left, right and center. Especially when he found out you were ticklish.

He loved making you laugh, it was like listening to his mother all over again. Although he had a hard time trying to ignore the gestures Mirror 'Al' was making towards them, mainly a stab and a gun motion.

Ben finally mustered enough confidence to try out a part-time job at a charity shop close to where they worked. So now he didn't have to worry about missing Foxglove, if they came in then he could walk with them back home. If they didn't then it meant they had to work overtime, simple as that.

The first time he found out about this, he ended up giving them the hug of death, he didn't know why he did it honestly, only that he was happy.

You felt so warm and comfy being close to me, mother would have loved you

And then when the deliveries came, he was like a confused puppy when you told him to stay out of the way because they were his Christmas presents. He looked at you as if he was suffering from another wave of amnesia.

Yeah, you shouldn't have said that, but you didn't want him to overthink what they could be. Thankfully though he didn't try to ask what they were and just walked away, never spoke about it again.

Unfortunately, that was where things started going downhill, Ben started to become more reclusive, whispering to himself in his room when he thought you weren't in the house. You heard him of course, but was respectful never to bring it up. It seemed to get worse the closer it got to Christmas, he was very determined to avoid you and it was making you twitchy and frustrated.

It was honestly hard watching him get paler and loose weight, especially after recovering from a cold. As least, you think he was loosing weight, you had never seen or heard him go into the kitchen to make his food, and the meals you left out remained uneaten. You were really worried that he would collapse at any given moment, heck even when you were at work you couldn't stop your thoughts from gliding back to him.

It was taking all of your willpower not to rush back home to check and see if he was okay.

You honestly thought you had managed to get through to Ben, clearly that wasn't the case. You're not complaining though, far from it. It was just frustrating when you think you managed to put the train back on track only to find out you had just made the situation even worse.

You wanted to help him, you wanted his memories to come back just as much as he did, so that he had something that identified him as a person and not some husk of a mortal being who was stuck in limbo. But the risks were not something you could take lightly.

You wanted to scream, you wanted to shout at his brain to hurry the hell up and let him remember who he was and give him his name back. Give his identity back.

But you didn't, you couldn't do that, and with how Ben has been acting recently, you were beginning to feel like you haven't done enough to help him. You felt depressed and helpess. It. Effing. Sucked.

And, as much as it pained you to admit it, this problem, was something Ben had to figure out himself if he wanted to continue to be independent. So you continued to support him from a distance, in the shadows and making innocent suggestions that, hopefully, would show him just how much you cared about him.

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