Acknowledging The Truth

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You partially regretted lying to him about the overtime after his, most likely, existential crisis, or even a meltdown. But if this did work out, then you were certain it would make up for everything.

Honestly, you were genuinely surprised that you were willing to do so much for this guy, this random stranger that you found in the woods by random chance. Sure you were an empathic person, raised to help people if you felt they needed it, even if you were a pushover because you weren't a confrontational person.

The point was, that no one would go this far to help some random person. Not even you. You know you weren't doing this out of pity, you would have gathered information for him before kicking him out to fend for himself if that had been the case. Empathy or not, you also knew that would have been the worst thing you could ever do, especially with what you've learned about him with technology.

You could say that you were doing this because you saw him as a friend, but you don't know the meaning of that word, from what you've gathered from others, friends did a lot of things together, but some of that you and Ben didn't do. Plus the fact you were also 'roommates', did that still make you friends? Or some twisted version of 'friends with benefits?'

Or, was the answer so simple that you feel stupid for overthinking something that held a simple answer like a flame on a candle?

You were doing this simply because you cared about him and that he was the first male person that you've trusted to get close to actually touching you. This reason alone seemed so simple, so certain, that you felt like tearing up.

You don't mind being touched by others when you have a close connection with them, something to the equivalent of a sibling relationship. But you mainly felt that with females, most likely due to being raised by a single mum, which did sound plausible.

As for males, well, you've had way more bad experiences with them that the idea of even a handshake was enough to make your skin feel like there were worms wriggling on you just from the mere thought of it, never mind touching. Even if you were the one initiating it.

With Ben though, this was, different to some extent. He too didn't like being touched, and the only time he seemed okay with it was when either of you lost balance over something and the other would grab it without thinking to help them stay up, then the apologies would come for touching without permission but it would be waved off without a thought.

It was both an embarrassing and face-palming moment, and this was during the beginning of your time living together as you both walked on eggshells to get a good understanding on each other's boundaries. Mistakes were made sure, but you never made it again.

You almost trip over your feet as the realisation hits you like an anchor on a cartoon character on TV. You could, might be, infatuated with him. Either that or it was because, you both acknowledge each other's weaknesses and don't abuse it. That could still be infatuation though, and emotions were not your strong suit.

"I didn't expect you to fall at my feet, but I can't say I can complain about the view"

Emotions like this though, were like being slapped in the face, especially when they were being physically shown as well.

"Are you looking for something?" you say in your best customer tone, without a smile.

Thank hell that you were allowed to do that or at best wear a small, polite smile.

It took everything inside of you not to freak out when this creep visibly looked you over like you were a slab of meat, and then licking their lips. What the actual fu-

"I need a bag of rice but I have a problem with my back"

That was a lie, you've had back issues before from overworking yourself, there was nothing wrong with their back. Especially since they were standing at their full height. Unfortunately, you had no choice but to comply.

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now