Existential Crisis

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Author here, so originally the plan was to post the next chapter up on the last day of October, however what I have in mind would not make it very exciting for everyone, so I've decided to split it, this chapter is going to be a little smaller than normal, however I do plant to make up for it in the next chapter after this. Enjoy ;)

It was the first of December, people already had their Christmas decorations up and hanging outside their homes, Christmas songs were being blasted through speakers and it was making you irritated beyond belief.

But you were not focused on any of that despite wanting to punch your pillows until they were completely destroyed. No. What had you occupied was Ben. He had been rather distant ever since the shopping trip. Obviously, you didn't push him to say anything, you gave him space when he wouldn't reply to your 'morning Ben' greeting.

But after a few days of this, it was beginning to get concerning. And you had no idea on how to help him. Or at least offer comfort when he didn't like being touched.

You look around the freezer to find something that would be good for dinner, and when you find a bag of meat lying innocently in the draw, it felt like realisation hit you with a mallet. You couldn't believe how dumb you felt for not thinking about it earlier.

You could buy him some venison, strong and bitter meals. Heck, you could even make the infamous nettle soup for him to try. Flawless logic right there. And since you had to go back to the indoor market to get the meat, you can just tell him that you'll be late because your boss was making you work overtime. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened, and you do not want a repeat of the first time it happened.

Suffice it to say, Ben nearly passed out when you didn't return at the usual time. And he was very embarrassed when you explained why you were late coming back. You took the full blame for that since it was thrown in your face at the last second and you had no way of contacting Ben.

That was something else you needed to do too, find a phone that Ben was comfortable using. But it couldn't be a mobile phone, you once showed him yours and he looked at it as if it was possessed. That or grow teeth and bite him, he wouldn't even hold it in his hand just to get a feel of the object.

You didn't push it and never brought it up again. Maybe you'll find something in town while looking for the food. You had no intention of going back there again anytime soon.

Now that the plan was thought out, you needed to find Ben, wherever he may be.

You started by looking in the garden, nothing. He wasn't in the kitchen either because that was connected to the living room and back garden. So he had to be either in the 'library' or his bedroom. Hopefully, he was in the 'library' because you try not to go into his room unless it was an emergency or a last resort.

That room was basically his grotto. His sanctuary of isolation, and you did not want to ruin that for him. You know from experience how sacred those rooms can be.

You use one hand to cross your fingers as you go upstairs, tap, and slowly open the book room's door. He wasn't in there. Gosh darn it. You take a slow intake of breath and slowly exhale as you try to fight off the incoming anxiety slowly building up inside of you.

You close the door. Turn around, and slowly walked the few steps to his room, and lightly tapped on it, but there was no answer. So you slowly open the door to peek inside.

He was inside as you thought. But what really concerned you was that he was curled up on the bed like a child would do and facing the wall, his back was facing you.

"Ben?" you ask cautiously in a low tone "are you feeling well?"

He doesn't answer, nor does he move. Now you find yourself in a dilemma, do you try to go inside and talk to him? Or do you wait a few days before trying to shop for him?

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