Helping and Awkward Conversations

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You don't know how you managed it, but you did it, you managed to get the poor guy back to your house without anyone noticing. Despite the people sticking to themselves, they could be really nosey when they wanted to be.
The issue you have now was trying to get him inside without letting go. Because the door frames were small enough for only one person to fit through.
"This is going to be awkward unless you think your willing to try and get in yourself" you whisper to him as you unlock your front door.
"I think I can give it try on my own, but I don't know how long I can stand for"
"There's some stairs to the right of this door, you can sit there if you can't make it to the sofa" with a final turn, you open the door and open it.
You wait for him to move his hand off of your shoulder before allowing him to move in front of you, you moved the hand from his waist and placed it onto his shoulder with your left hand under his left arm, just in case his legs buckled.
After a pause in the front door, 'Ben' began his walk into the living room, his legs wobbled when he took longer strides but he stayed up.
But the second you got to the sofa, he practically collapsed onto it breathing and shivering heavily. You think he was breathing heavily because his torso looked like it was heaving. What could have caused him to start shivering so suddenly, the air was warm more than anything.
"Okay, you just stay here and catch your breath, I'm going to get some clean clothes for you" considering they were also covered in dirt, they were going to be a hassle to wash.
Ben didn't say anything other than to lay on his side so he could breathe properly. You place a blanket over his legs before going upstairs to grab some loose but warm clothing that wouldn't be difficult to put on, granted they may not fit him completely but they would be better than walking around in dirty clothing. You also made sure they would be comfortable enough to sleep in.
Lord knows how long he had been outside for.

He was freezing, it felt like someone had dumped ice on him and were watching in twisted satisfaction as he tried not to let the cold get the better of him. Why was he cold anyway?
Half breed freak.
He blinked and looked around the area in front of him. No one was there. Where had that voice come from?
He didn't have time to think as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. At least he remembers SOME things.
"Okay, um, these might be a bit small for you, but they should do until I can get your clothes washed" the person said as they held up said items "they're also comfortable to sleep in, but I think it might be better if you had something small in your stomach before you do so"
They were saying it in a rush, were they nervous about having him here? Well, they did say that they have never seen them before, otherwise they wouldn't have made up a name for him. Maybe they weren't comfortable being around other people.
"T-thank-k you" he said through chattering teeth.
He sees his, helper? Frown at him, then slowly walk their way to him and kneel down.
"I'm going to touch your forehead okay? I need to check your temperature"
He blinks at them slowly before nodding. He watches in silence as his helper slowly moves the back of their hand foreword and touch his forehead as they had stated. He didn't have a chance to enjoy the warmth as they had immediately removed it and were looking at him with some expression he was not familiar with.
"Good grief your freezing" they say as they get up and pick the items back up "I'm sorry but you need to change now before you risk getting pneumonia, trust me, it's not pleasant nor is it good to watch someone go through it" they pull the blanket off of him and the shivers get worse "you need to try and have a shower, a bath would take too long"
What in the blazes was a shower? Never mind that, if it can help make him get warm faster than he was willing to give it a try. Even if he was nervous.
"Okay, I should be able to walk myself if it isn't that far" he states as he sits up with his arms still crossed against his chest.
"You have to get up the stairs but it there is a handle to help you get up should you need it" they say as they help him stand up "follow me"

Turned out it was more tricky than he first thought, walking on a flat surface was fine until he had to use the stairs, then he had to wait for his helper to turn on the shower and get it to warm up.
Everything felt out of place when he had the energy to look. Like he shouldn't be here. He could only hope that it was because of the bump and cut on his head.
"Ok, you can go in now but please be careful if you wash your face, I'll cover that injury when your done" you point to some bottles "those are for washing your hair and body but your welcome to just sit in the shower and warm up" with that you left him alone in the washroom.
He looked at the 'shower' like it was going to attack him at any moment, but the desire to get rid of the dry dirt and blood off of his skin was immense now that he had a proper chance to look at his body and face in the mirror.
He turned to the door and saw a lock on it, he could turn it to ensure that his, friend? Didn't accidently walk in on him washing. But then what would happen if he passed out and they couldn't open the door?
He could only hope they didn't walk in on him.
For now, he would try and figure out how to use the bottles.

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