Facing Reality (again)

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Your body completely jerked upwards as you tried to inhale as much air as you could, it felt like your whole body was on fire, and the pain in your chest felt like you were suffocating.

"Easy does it, slow breaths now"

When your vision becomes clear, you find yourself in your room with Ben standing at the edge of the bed, arms stretched out as if trying to calm a spooked animal.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" was all you said.

Ben smiles as he raises an eyebrow as if to say 'are you serious?' "I was already awake, you were the one who was screaming, do you not remember what it was?"

You blink slowly at him, your brain slowly working into overdrive as it tries to remember what happened in your dream, oh boy did you wish you could forget "something pierced me" as if to emphasize your point you begin to rub the area that had been 'attacked' "I don't remember anything else"

That was true, you don't remember the voice because it was distorted, and the appearance was practically invisible. You rarely ever dreamt, and when you did, you only heard words that were not spoken from a male or female voice. Let alone remember what the scenery looked like.

"Well, I made some breakfast if you want any, I thought it was better to let you sleep in since I kept you up a little later than what your used to"

"It wouldn't be the first time I went to bed at a later time" you give him a weak chuckle "I'll be done after I've done my morning routine, and changed"

As if remembering that you were underdressed, he immediately began to look embarrassed as he turned to leave "my apologies Foxglove, I'll leave you to it" then he shut the door.

You slowly let out a shaking breath as you get up from the bed and get yourself ready, for what you hope for, the best Christmas that Ben has ever had. Or at least second best.

It didn't take long as you practically threw on the first thing you could find that was decent, face clean and teeth smelling of mint, you almost fall down the stairs as you head for the living room. Only to freeze when you feel a strange sensation swirling in your stomach/gut.

You quickly look around the room in the hopes that something was simply out of place or that it was a simple case of leaving a light on all night. But nothing looked out of place, and the humming and clanging sounds from the kitchen clearly told you that Ben was washing dishes that he had used.

Maybe it was just nerves? This was your first Christmas with someone else after all. Not to mention the fact that you were also giving him presents that he may or may not like. Yeah, what could you give to a man who had amnesia and lived the life of someone from the early 1900's? Not much to be honest. And that's if you're not including the venison you bought for Christmas dinner.

"Finally up my dear?"

You feel like your body was hit by a waterfall "y-yep"

Ben poked his head out of the door frame to look at you with a raised eyebrow "why are you so shy all of a sudden? Pre-show jutters?"

No idea what that was "I'm not shy, more like nervous"

"Why would you be nervous? You don't have work today"

You blink at him in confusion, did he not remember the gifts you bought for him while trying to hide them? You didn't really wrap them up since you were terrible at that, and there was no way you were wrapping that gramophone up either. So you hid them inside bags with newspaper on top so he still had a chance to 'guess' what the presents were.

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now