'Summertime' Fun

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Neither of you speak about that moment of him kissing your neck, and honestly, you don't want to, you chalked it up to him being out of it because of the flu and left it at that.

Speaking of the flu, Al downright nearly gave you a heart attack when he randomly passed out on the bed in the middle of the week, shaking, sweating, and the occasional jerk of his facial features like he was fighting some invisible monster. You stayed by his side the entire time.

Your job didn't take it well about you quitting and you really couldn't care less, Al was more important and jobs were easy to find. At least, they had been, until it was announced that there was a pandemic and that everyone had to stay indoors unless they wanted to get a hefty fine. Nearly all the stores had shut down because of it.

Al's job was still operational though, they made an online sight for people to order and they would deliver it. All that was needed was for the employees to come in and pack it up into vans and that was it.

Thankfully, Al still had his job because he got sick before this happened, but they wanted him to be 100% healthy before he even thought about entering the store. You honestly would have gladly taken his place, but since you were the only one taking care of him, you could not risk bringing whatever this thing was to him when he was already fighting off the flu. On the plus side, you had enough money to last one month.

Speaking of fighting the flu, Al was doing well, to a point, he stuck to eating stews and soups, you made sure to give him a variety and he saved the venison for really bad days, he's managed to go the bathroom without another, incident, happening.

It took a week before he was able to stand on his own again, and then 3-4 days before the flu was completely gone from his system. He was like a kid who got a huge dose of sugar when he came to you with a beaming smile on his face and bouncing on the back of his feet.

"I feel like a new man... again" he stated clearly "I swear you must be my good luck charm or something because I've never felt this amazing before"

You chuckle nervously "I'm glad to see you're feeling well"

"Feeling well? HAH! That's an understatement, my dear"

"Do you feel healthy to go back to work?"

He raises an eyebrow with his smile still in place "I still have it?"

You nod "I called them on the first day you had the flu, they said that as long as you can confirm that I was your roommate then you could keep your job, and that you would be paid sick leave as well"

His smile seemed to get even bigger "that's great news" then proceeded to pick you up and spin you around like you were an old married couple "who knew that being sneezed on would give me both good and bad results?"

What a second "someone sneezed on you?"

"Yes indeedy my dear Foxglove" Al replies as he puts you down "and that was why I came back early the day before I got sick"

Well, that explains why they didn't ask you to tell Al to get a Doctor's note, as the saying goes, coughs and sneezes spread diseases.

"Speaking of jobs, why are you not back at work? After being forced to nurse me back to health, I thought that you would have been ecstatic to be away from me for the day"

"I don't have a job anymore"

This took him by surprise, at least you think so, his smile was still on his face "did they fire you?"

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