Awkward Lunch and Realisations

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You wished you hadn't said you were going straight to the house, because when you got back to check on the food needed for the meal you had in mind you find yourself missing an ingredient, and there was no time to go back out and get it unless you ordered. And that would have been a huge waste of time and money.

So you mooch about for a replacement and find one that was perfect for your 'simple meal'.

A one-pan meal. Yeah, really creative, but that's what your mum called it and that was what you were sticking to. Anyway, the meal consisted of mainly new potato, sweet potato, sliced peppers, mushrooms, parsnip, carrot, and chicken legs.

You unfortunately didn't have any chicken legs because it wasn't something you liked eating all the time. Fish however you did enjoy, so you pulled out some salmon and used that for a substitute. Hopefully, he liked fish.

Either way, you dump the food in, place it into the pre-heated oven and set a timer for it since you would most likely forget about it later. You get two large bowls out and leave them on the counter ready for later, along with the cutlery that you place on the table.

Ben was nowhere to be seen, most likely putting his new clothes away.

One more day, just one more day after this, and then you can spoil him with new clothes that looked similar to his originals. Even if you have to suffer being near that pathetic excuse of a human being.


You blink out of your haze and look up to see Ben standing in the doorway looking nervous.

"Something the matter?" you ask calmly.

"I was wondering if, you could show me the other room with the books"

You could feel your hamster wheel brain slowly turn as you processed what he asked. Before it hit you like a cartoon mallet.

"Oh right" you exclaimed "I remember now, yes, I'll show you"

The room you had talked about might as well have been a library, the entire room was filled with books from the bookcases, shelves to the stacks piled up in the corners and floor, and finally a comfy chair near the window and tall/floor lamp. A book worms paradise.

Thank you mum was all you could say.

"This is it" you gesture to the room before pointing to another room on that you hadn't mentioned before "also the room between our bedrooms is the arts and crafts room, I, don't go in there anymore but you're welcome to use anything in there so long as you clean up afterward, both here and the other room"

"Fair enough, um, what exactly are you cooking?"

"Mainly vegetables and some fish, it's simple but very filling I promise" you explain "I'll come get you when it's done"

He nods and goes to look at the books, you close the door as you leave.

Nothing much happened as you waited for the food to finish, you mainly listened to music as you tried to plan Ben's outing, You wanted it to be perfect, or as perfect as it can get after today's fiasco. But that was easier said than done when you don't know what he likes, both in food and furniture taste in a manner of speaking.

Maybe you should just let him enjoy the outing, see if any of his preferences make themselves known, if they do then make a note of it, and then gradually buy them when you have money to spare.


Sounds like a good plan, and the food's done too. Bonus.

You don't put a large portion in the bowls, mainly because you don't know if you'd be able to eat that much, or Ben for that matter, at least there's plenty of leftovers. Better remember to mention that.

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