The Calm Before The, Flu?

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Hey sunflowers, hope your all doing well, soooo let me say, thank you all SOOO much for the feedback you've been giving me, it really has helped me feel better about this book, and so, I have also decided to reward you all for everything you've done and spoilers of what I have planned for the future of it.
The first good thing is yes, this story will be continuing.
The bad part is that this story is nearly finished, not sure but how but its under 30 chapters.
HOWEVER! that does not mean that it will be the end completely, for when one story ends, another is begins, yes I will be writing a second book after this one is done, don't know when I'll make it but it is planned.
The final good news is, because you've all been so good to me, YOU GUYS GET REWARDED WITH 3 CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!!! WHOOP!!!

You don't dare take your eyes off of the man in front of you for a second, you hold onto Al's hand behind your back as if he was going to disappear the second you let go. You were almost certain his hand was going to bruise by the end of this encounter.

"I just wanted to talk, is that a crime now?"

If it wasn't for Al's hand in your grip, you were certain you wouldn't have replied back "I'm afraid I'm busy at the moment and don't have time"

You watch as your 'Dad' shifts his eyes to the side, most likely to look at Al, which causes you to shift even closer to Al to the point where your legs almost brush against his, you didn't care if your arm was angled funny, you were not letting go of his hand for a second.

"I see you've gone back to spreading your legs again" he states as if talking about he weather "I thought we already discussed this"

He was taken aback when you literally growled at him, like a dog giving the threat a warning before the bite. The only thing chanting in your brain was 'protect Al. Keep Al safe'

"I see you haven't changed either" you snarled at him lowly through gritted teeth "good day sir, we're leaving"

While the grip was no longer hard to cut circulation, you made sure to keep a firm grip on Al as you lead him out of the warehouse, completely ignoring 'Dad' calling from behind. You were completely fine until you were out in the open space.

The panic attack hit you so hard that you almost collapsed from the punch it gave you, causing you to lean against the wall and slide down as you tried to get your breathing under control.

"I've got you Foxglove, your safe"

The second your head was covered in darkness you immediately begin to cry, hard. Latching onto Al as if he was a lifeline with one hand while the other covered your mouth as you began to hyperventilate. Trying and failing miserably to get it under control. Everything became a blur after that.

Al really didn't know what he was doing, he was only copying what his mother had done when he was a child when he had a nightmare. The feeling in his chest was no longer warm and comforting like it had been before the, thing happened. It was now cold and not even his coat was enough to keep him warm, the only thing going through his mind was 'protect Foxglove'.

He wouldn't deny it though, this was unsettling to him as well, sure he has seen Foxglove get a little panicked when they don't find something or when they were close to being late, it was a common thing for anyone if his memories were correct. But never has he seen Foxglove end up in a state like this before, and all because they saw their father. What could have happened to have caused this, situation? What happened to them to have caused them to turn into this, shriveled-up form of someone else?

He notices from the corner of his eye a few people, mainly females staring and pointing at him and Foxglove, he gave them a stern glare as he pulled his friend closer to his body. He may not know what was exactly happening to Foxglove, but he knew for certain that they were in no fit state to get up and leave the area.

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now