Caring and Pushing Boundaries

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Here's the second chapter guy, the third one is having a bit of an issue when I reword things, so it might be later on in the day before I can post it. Also I'm sorry if I got the flu symptoms wrong, I did try to research them but I might have messed up somewhere.

You almost trip on the stairs as you hurry back to Al's room, good thing that the bowl wasn't full to the top otherwise that was a mess that would be waiting a long time.

Placing the bowl on the bedside table, you quickly pull the covers off of Al and get him on his back, he makes quiet murmurs but doesn't fight back, this, honestly didn't look good, from what you remember when you had the flu, you had just enough energy to get up to go to the bathroom before your energy burnt out, Al looked like a wet noodle and was barely reacting to anything you were doing.

"I'm sorry Al but I have no choice" you whisper to him as you place a very thin bed sheet on top of him so that he had something to cover him but not make him hotter than a sauna.

Once that was done, you grab the cloth from the bowl, drain out the excess water, and then place it onto his forehead. Food was off the menu for now, but you needed to wake him up and get some water in him. And like the idiot you were, you forgot to get one.

At least you can call the bosses. You had your phone in your pocket so as you went downstairs for that drink, you quickly make your first call.

"Hey boss, I'm sorry for not calling sooner but, well my roommate has the flu, and since I can't risk-"

"I'm sorry but you have to come in we are currently short-staffed and it's all hands on deck right now" your boss interrupted you.

You blink and almost stop in surprise "sir, I am a liability as I might contaminate-"

"I don't give a crap, I've had enough of your excuses, you will come in or you will be fired"

Well, that was an easy decision "then consider this my notice, I quit" you quickly hung up before he could say anything else.

You knew you would most likely have to hand in a more physical copy than a simple call on the phone, but that could wait until later, you had another call to make. Time to bring out the big pants again.

"Hello? This is Al's roommate Y/n, I'm calling because your worker Al has the flu and is currently unconscious"

You hear a sigh on the other end "alright, thank you for bringing this to my attention, if Al is willing to when he's more stable and can confirm that you are his roommate then he will not be in trouble, and will be keeping his job, however, if he doesn't bring a doctor's note then he will not be paid for his sick leave"

You had completely forgotten about that "understood sir, have a nice day"

As soon as the line ends you end yours too. Fan-tucking-fastic. Now you had bad news to tell Al when he was functional enough to speak for himself. Oh well. You put your phone down and grab an empty, plastic cup to fill with water, but a loud thump from upstairs stops you before you could even turn the tap on.

Quickly placing the cup on the counter, you rush back upstairs to see what happened, and immediately come across Al on the floor dragging himself to the bathroom with his feet weakly kicking behind him to make him move faster.

"Bleeding Nora Al" you whisper in disbelief as you go to help him "what happened?"

"I went to relieve myself but my legs collapsed under me" he replies tiredly, his throat sounded like he rubbed sandpaper against it and he was clearing his throat like he hadn't had enough water.

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