The Plan

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The pain in your leg finally decided to make itself known when you tried to walk up the stairs again. It felt like someone was clinging onto your leg and you had to drag it to get them off. You don't regret helping 'Ben' though.
You go into the spare bedroom and make quick work of making the bed comfortable for him to sleep on. While you are upset that your routine had changed, you do not regret helping the man.
If messing it up meant someone would be safe, especially when its going to rain soon, you were willing to put up with the frustration and anxiety.
Once the bed was made, you go into the bathroom and pick up all the washing he had left on the floor, making sure you had everything and didn't leave anything on the ground.
You left the guestroom door open so he knew which room he was staying in. As you walk back downstairs, you begin a mental plan of what you needed to do tomorrow.
Now that you had a guest staying with you, taking a day off was out of the question, not that you would do that anyway, you needed this job to get you out of the house. Anyway. You need to work tomorrow and he would be on his own until 5 pm, asking your boss if you could leave during break and work overtime the day after was just asking for trouble.
He would be on his own for 8 hours with no way to contact you if anything happens. Would it be possible for him to wait until you had a day off? It would certainly ease the stress on your leg, and during work you could show him things to keep him entertained until you returned. Your going to need to talk to him first, that was the logical thing to do.
You should have thought of that from the start.
When you enter the living room, you find 'Ben' sitting on the sofa with a distant look on his face, you had no idea if he was concentrating or trying to force his brain to remember. You stay silent though, not wanting to break his concentration unless there was a reason.
Instead you made quick work of putting all of the dirty washing in the machine, granted you had to pat your fingers against his pockets to make sure they weren't anything in the pockets... okay it was also because the material felt so good against your fingertips but you had no intention of doing it again. Promise.
Once you were certain the pockets were empty, you place them inside the machine, fill it up with the right liquids and turned it on. You were going to have to either put them on the radiator's or hang them outside to dry though. You did not want to risk the dryer damaging his clothes, and dispite your, hands on approach, you did not want to look through the clothing to find a tag that may or may not be there. Good grief you feel like a creep with every passing second.
You leave the kitchen, not wanting to think about it any more and notice that 'Ben' was now watching you.
"I hope I didn't disturb your thinking with me walking around" you say cautiously.
"No you didn't, I think I'm still trying to process everything"
"Understandable" you reply as you sit down on the sofa a seat away from him "I'm not sure how much I can help you with but I'm willing to answer any questions you might have"
He was silent for a moment before speaking "I think the safest one for now is what date and year is it? I have no knowledge of the time"
Obviously. But you give him the date and year. Nothing. No hint of recognition.
"What is that on the table?" he points to the. TV?
"It's a television, TV for short" you reply as you look at him in confusion.
He can remember somethings but not a TV or a shower? Was it possible he lived an old fashion life style? It wouldn't be the first time you've heard of it, there were TV shows that your mum loved watching.
"Is this normal?" he asks as he looks around as if seeing it for the first time "I look around and, there are some things that seem, normal, to me, but other things, feel wrong, like I shouldn't be here"
Your hand immediately reached out to hold his but you quickly pull it back before it could touch him. You say his 'name' and hold your hand out as an invitation. He looked uncertain for a moment but slowly reaches out to grab it.
His grip was limp but you ignore it and squeeze his hand gently in what you hope showed support "I cannot begin to understand what your going through at the moment, nor am I going to" you stutter slightly "but I can promise you that I am going to do whatever it takes to make you feel as comfortable as possible while living here, and that also includes getting your memory back"
"And if I don't?"
You really wanted to stay positive "we'll cross that bridge when we get to it" but you didn't want to be too optimistic "for now, let's settle with a plan for clothes, you can't go around with just one set and I would be wasting electric and water for one set every other day"
He looks at you blankly for a moment before slowly nodding as he removes his hand from yours "right, that would be very unhygienic"
You bite your tongue, this had to be his way of coping and trying to understand everything, you should not complain about his way to speaking. You are not him.
"I have work tomorrow, and since you will be staying here, I cannot risk taking a day off"
"Job... that's where you make money right? To make a living?"
"Yeah, that's right" how scrambled is his brain right now? "And I'll be working for 8 hours, 9 am till 5 pm, I was hoping we could find things that can keep you occupied until I come back, and then we can both leave to find any shops that might have clothes your comfortable with wearing"
"That sounds, like a good plan"
"It's the only one I can think of at the moment" you shrug helplessly "and my next break isn't for another 2 days and we don't have time to wait until then, but if you want to, we can buy an extra set just for now, and then have a proper look around two days from now?"
"That, sounds reasonable" he sounded so uncertain that you wonder if his injury was getting worse. Speaking of injury.
"Can I check your head? I just want to see if it's been aggravated" you ask as you gesture to the cut "I need to clean it and patch it up anyway"
As if by instinct, he reached his hand up as if to touch the injury, but stopped before he could "right, I only had water on it and even that hurt"
"Stay where you are, it'll only take a moment" you were thankful you left your first aid kit in the kitchen, the issue was trying to remember what drawer it was.

'Ben' stayed in his spot as he watched his helper go into the kitchen again, this time with a limp. Were they okay? Had he injured them without realised it?
He blinked slowly before shaking his head at the same pace. This was getting annoying and he hasn't even been awake for a full day. It felt like his body was still waking up but his brain was working at 100%, but when he tried speaking, it felt like everything was cut off and he was left in the dark. Was this normal? Why were you really helping him?
What did those words he hear mean?
He huffed in frustration, as he rubbed the side of his head that didn't have the cut. His head was starting to hurt from all these questions. He was getting nowhere with answers, only more questions.
"I'm back, sorry, I forgot where I put the box" they chuckled nervously as they place said box in the space between them, opening it and pulling out some kind of tube and cloth "let's clean that first just to be safe, it might sting though"
Right, open wounds always stung when you were cleaning them "okay" he replied as he moved his head so that they had a better angle.
He watched as they place the opened a packet and pulled out what looked like a wet cloth, then you opened the tube and some kind of white goop came out of it. What was that for?
"This is just to ensure you don't get infected, like an extra layer of protection"
He had no idea what they were talking about, but they seemed to know what they were doing dispite their nervous appearance. He was surprised though that he wasn't getting nervous like they were, just uncomfortable that they had to touch him.
He supposed he should be thankful that they always asked and warned him first, maybe it was because they saw how he had reacted when that other person was being too forward and made him uncomfortable. That made more sense.
"Okay, putting it on now" they say as they nervously move the wet cloth to his head, their eyes flicked to his for a second before the hand pressed against him.
He immediately hissed as it stung, his helper flinched too, apoligising if they had pressed too hard, he immediately disagreed.
"I just realised that I don't know your name" he says out of the blue.
Their hand prodding pauses for a second before they continued their work "sorry, I've been more focused on getting you safe, would you rather I give you a fake name for now until you remember yours? Make it fair?"
'Ben' was surprised by this, why give him the choice?
"I'll have it named after my favourite flower, that way you learn something about me without giving it away" they chuckle as if it was a joke.
It felt like a switch flipped inside his brain as he realised what they were trying to do.
They were giving him control of the situation.
He was here, alone with no memory of who he was or how he got here. He was basically playing a game without instructions or rules on how to play it.
His helper was allowing him to make the rules up while offering guidance and showing the good and bad sides to his decision.
He stayed silent as he thought it over, they did the same as they focused more on sorting out his injury. On one hand it would be nice to learn their real name, but then it could make him more frustrated because he didn't know his own name.
Asking for a fake name, he could be given the illusion that neither of them knew their names and were simply room mates trying to work things out together.
This was something he wasn't fond of either.
"What is your favourite flower?"
But for now, he was willing to put up with it.
"Nice to meet you Foxglove, I'm 'Ben' " he smiles as, Foxglove, places something over his injury.
It would make their real name all the more enjoyable to learn. As well as push him into finding out his real name too.
For once, the smile he gave 'Foxglove' felt more genuine than he had felt in a long time. For a brief moment, he felt true happiness.

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now