Trapped (Alternate Ending)

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You had noticed Al was getting distant again, you had no idea why though because when you asked, he would brush it off or skim the question while talking about something else.

And what was worse, was that your nightmares were coming back in force. You would wake up screaming from some unseen force, Al would run into your room like a knight in shining armour and then stay with you until you fell asleep, he wouldn't take no for an answer. He didn't touch you but he was close enough that you could feel his body heat and weight under the mattress. By the time you woke up, you would find yourself alone with a cold side from where he had been.

You had no idea why this was happening and even resorted to eating lavender bread and inhaling crushed lavender leaves just to make you woozy enough to try and sleep. Was it some kind of omen or just bad luck?

Thinking back on it now, these nightmares did start occurring not long after the first murder took place in the town where your job was. The poor bloke was found with a cut to his throat and most likely bled to death like that.

You may not have liked that bully, but that didn't mean they deserved to die.

And that was just the start of it all. As the bullies started dropping like flies getting a huge dose of fly spray. Except without the dramatic dying.

You almost had a panic attack when the police came and asked questions about the deaths, apparently one of them had a picture of you in their pocket, you had to be an idiot to not know that they saw you as the main suspect.

Al though, bless his soul, somehow managed to convince the police that you and he had been with each other practically 24/7 due to, issues, he even vouched that you had been asleep every night before he went to bed so there would have been no way for you to get to the houses and kill them without him noticing. He was a light sleeper, which wasn't a lie.

Needless to say, he had to comfort you as you went through a rather nasty silent panic attack, you honestly would have kissed him if it didn't make him so uncomfortable.

More secrets, more suspicion, and more nightmares, Al was starting to act a little, off, more so than usual. Even staying out late one time because you didn't dare sleep without him by your side. You almost drifted off when you heard the sound of your front door opening and closing as if trying not to make a sound.

Needless to say, that was the only time you hugged him without permission in a long time. One that he didn't seem to mind as he held you just as tightly.

You just didn't realise that this would be the last time you ever had a calm, 'loving' moment before everything went downhill. Especially when he asked you a question that you would never think he would ask considering his, personality.

It happened while both of you were swimming in the pool late at night because the heat got intense again.

"Have you ever been in love?"

"Not unless you count family, otherwise it's mainly theories and what I've heard from others"

"I don't mind listening to the theories"

"From what I've seen and understood, kind of, loving someone is, like finding your other half, the person you are willing to show weakness to, and they the same, you balance each other out, sort of like a sword and shield but you would both swap when the situation calls for it, if one of you suffers, the other suffers too, and you feel like you can't go on when they die because it feels like someone ripped your heart out and your left with a large wound that can never heal"

"...that's both gory and sickeningly sweet"

"I'm just summarising what I've heard, sorry if it doesn't make sense though"

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now