The Rollercoaster of emotions and communication

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The indoor market was, something else entirely, it felt, different, but still interesting. Clothes of different styles than what he had seen in the charity shops. None of which 'tickled his fancy' as Foxglove put it.

Still, they were rather, colourful and impressive, creative even. There was no doubt about it.

The food though, now that was something he felt familiar with, well, at least now that he had a wider variety to look at. But the ones that stuck out most were the meat. And oh boy, was there a lot of it.

If heaven took the form of the person's taste, he was certain he would be in a butcher's paradise. For a moment, he wondered if they sold venison.

"Woah Ben, close that mouth, don't want to contaminate the food do we?"

Ben blinked out of his haze and immediately closed his mouth as he shook his head "my apologies, I don't know what came over me"

"I know most people love meat, but I've never witnessed someone drool over it over the counter before" the butcher laughed.

You and Ben chuckle nervously in reply "we're very sorry if-"

"Don't worry about it, that's what the plastic's for isn't it?" he pats the plastic 'shield' for emphasis "you planning on buying anything?"

"Not at the moment, we've got other stuff to do and I don't know how long we plan to be"

"Yeah you do right, I heard it might get warmer later in the day"

You didn't know that "thanks for the warning, see you later" you wave at him before leading Ben away from the counter, trying your hardest to keep your breathing under control.

"Are you okay?" he asks you.

"Peachy" you squeak "I'm fine, just not used to this kind of thing, now, where do you want to head next?"

"Can we check the outdoor places now?"

You smile "we can do that, we can come back later for the meat if you still want it"

"Do you know if they'll have any venison?"

Venison? "why Venison?" you were genuinely curious.

"I just have this sudden need to eat venison" he shrugs helplessly "I'm not sure why I have it, I just have this urge to try some"

"Cravings" you say in understanding "I've never craved meat before but I have for certain drinks in the past, completely normal I assure you"

"Why would our body crave something even after eating?"

"Could be a number of reasons" you explain as you leave the building "could be that the body is lacking something that the food can provide for it, could be your brain taking a trip down memory lane, thus triggering your taste buds into wanting to try it again, or it could be a simple case of wanting comfort food, it's different for everyone"

He hums in acknowledgment but doesn't continue the conversation.

As promised, you take him into a shop that was on the way to the clothes shop, this one didn't really have anything fun or interesting to either of you, but Ben was intrigued with some of the items in the store. Although you were silently thankful that he didn't cause a scene as he practically had his face shoved in some of the shelves.

You were both embarrassed and trying hard not to laugh at his childish behaviour. Although you did question whether or not he hit his head harder than you first thought.

You still remember how tense he had been when you removed the plaster from his head and gently tapped it to see if there was any residue. You hoped he never had to look that terrified again, not on your watch.

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now