Let Me Out

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WARNING! there's discussions of bullying and implied R*pe, nothing physical just talks of it and finally implied racial slurs'

Al waited with bated breath from his hiding spot, it was as good a place as any when his prey was distracted, it was away from anything that his prey could use as a weapon and worked well with his strengths. His right arm spasmed from the adrenaline slowly making its way around his body as he waited for the moment to strike.

Any second now.

He heard the footsteps and humming could be heard as they got near his location. They left their weapon, just like he thought, now they were alone and unarmed. Ripe for the taking. Reaching his location in 3. 2. 1...


Al smiled so wide it looked almost unnatural as his victim writhed under him and tried to fight back.


Al didn't listen.


He didn't stop as his victim continued to flail and try to kick him off with little success.


"Not until you admit that I am the better cook between the two of us"

"Okay! I admit defeat, you're the better cook, now please stop"

"Well since you said please" he gives them a cheeky smile and stops his torture, staying where he was above them as they tried to get the air back into their lungs.

"Bloody hell Al, what's gotten into you?" Foxglove panted "that's the third time this week that you've jump-scared me and tried tickling me to death"

"Felt adventurous" was all he replied with.

They didn't need to know that this was his way of handling his urges. He'd rather hear the screams of their laughter than the screams of their fear as he plunged a knife into their chest. Or heart.

Even if the thought sent a thrill of excitement down his spine. Especially during... other times that he didn't understand.

Today marked the year of Al's second year of living with you, his first year wasn't as exciting since you were in lockdown, but it was now lifted, you had a hard time getting by but you both managed and came out of it unscathed. Kind of.

Al had been a little more, rowdy, more so now that you were able to leave the house, he would jump scare you out of nowhere or just jump straight into tickling you to death. You hated being jump scared, and you didn't like it when he just leaped forward just to tickle you. You tried asking him about it but he would either brush it off or chalk it up to just 'feeling adventurous', whatever that meant.

On a side note, Lady Luck managed to grant you a small boon as you were able to get a job in town that started and ended at the same time as Al's. It made going home so much easier.

Speaking of Al, he seemed to be getting a little more clingy now that you were able to go home together, nothing like him touching your waist or dragging you away from something like a kid wanting attention, more like he kept your arms linked together even when it wasn't needed, almost as if, if he were to let go then you would disappear.

That was why you decided to go a little crazy for his 'birthday', since he still didn't remember it you went for the day you found him, you took him into town and decided to spoil him a little, what took you by surprise though was when Al decided to keep you on your toes by doing random things in town with you, nothing dangerous, it was mainly grabbing your hands and spinning you both around like kids running around the yard with only their nappies on.

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now