Goodbye Old. Hello New

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Ben. Al. Seemed to have changed a bit since Christmas day. Which was great don't get me wrong, it was just, odd, seeing this new him.

For one thing, he was humming more, and he seemed to just randomly come back with a black bow tie under his collar. When you had asked about it, he replied that the charity shop didn't sell them and planned to get rid of it, so when he showed interest to it they immediately gave it to him.

Having worked in a charity shop when you were younger, you knew that he was telling the truth. They didn't sell certain things and would take them to the clothes bank or recycling site at the end of the week. You just wish you knew why he had this sudden interest in them.

Obviously you wouldn't ask him, he seemed to be even more confident than last time, you were not going to ruin it for him when he was officially coming out of his shell. The way he walked was a dead giveaway.

"You look even more dashing than before" were the first words you say to him when he answered your question about the bow tie.

His smile. Good grief. His smile seemed, different than normal. Especially when he replied to your statement.

"Why thank you, my dear"

He had never used that kind of language before, at least not from what you remember anyway. It honestly made you a little uncomfortable. But still. You kept silent about it.

It changed somewhat when New Years Eve came by, and Be- Al, was honestly curious and confused as to how it was celebrated in England. When you asked him what he meant by that, he replied in a way that stated you should have known this.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? I remember that I was born and raised in Louisianna, before I, came here for something"

You didn't pay attention to the slight pause in his sentence because you were too busy jumping around him like a lunatic exclaiming "this is great B- Al, I'm so happy you know about your birth place, is that in New Orleans? Geography was never my strong point"

He only gave out a brief explanation about his home because he was still interested in your New Year customs. Which was fair as going off topic was your strong suit. So when he heard that people would kiss the second midnight struck, he immediately froze up and looked very uncomfortable. You think, he did look like a statue.

"But that doesn't mean we have to do it" you quickly stated when you saw his expression "while it is something we do, not many people actually do it, some people just hug it out"

"I see" he says through gritted teeth. Still holding a smile, somehow.

"To be completely honest, I've never really celebrated the New Year, I just treat it like any other day" you continue weakly.

He doesn't speak for a few seconds other than to blink and look at you. Why though you haven't a clue. It was rather awkward.

"Well I suppose there's no harm in trying it out just one time" he finally speaks.

Then he walks off, and you can only watch him leave in pure confusion. Just what the heck was that all about? Oh well, at least you had some venison left for the New Year meal, if Al doesn't eat it before then.

Well what do you know? He actually did managed to save it for the New Year. And good grief did his face look like someone who was told they were taking a month vacation. A little eccentric if you were being honest, but at least he was happy as a clam.

Everything had been going great, we both went to work, and then we went back home together, you were genuinely enjoying the routine, and while it was strange that he would offer you his elbow, you didn't hesitate to take it, seeing how his presence made you genuinely happy for the first time in your life.

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now