Morning Awkwardness

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Something odd hit your nose the moment you started coming around. Which was odd, because last you checked, you were the only... oh.
You quickly sit up as yesturday's memories hit you like a ton of bricks, limbs failing to get out of the bed covers like a turtle on its back. And when you do manage, you practically throw your cover off the bed as you get your slippers on and rush out of your room to check on your new roommate.

You, thankfully, find him in the kitchen cooking some sausage and egg. Well, that was good, the eggs were about to go off.
You let out a sigh of relief when you realise he was watching what he was doing and seemed to be okay "you had me scared for a moment" you mumbled to yourself.
'Ben' heard though as he jolted forward as if someone had snuck up behind him and tapped on his shoulder. He calmed down when he realised it was you.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep much and I just, needed to do something other than sitting down and reading"
As you step closer to him, you notice that he looks much more pale than yesterday, like 'I've been stuck in the bathroom for who knows how long' kind of pale. Needless to say, your parental instincts kicked up a storm that you had to fight the urge to run to him and check his forehead like a child.
"Were you sick last night?" you ask calmly as you walk forward "your really pale"
You watch as he swallows "no I haven't, and before you ask no my head hasn't given me any problems, it's gone"
You really wanted to believe him, but the way he was acting told you that something else was bothering him. Nonetheless, you leave him be, bad enough that he's living in a stranger's house with no memory of his lifestyle, but to have said stranger want to know every bit of what he was doing?
Yeah, not going to happen.
"Well, I'm willing to lend an ear if you need it okay? Or at least help unravel any strings for you" you offer a polite smile before quickly changing the subject "I'm glad to see you have an appetite again"
He was silent for a moment then replied cautiously "yeah, I um, was looking to what would be simple to cook, and when I saw the eggs and sausage, I felt, something"
"Like a switch was just flipped?" you offer "that's normal under any circumstance"
"Yeah, that's what it felt like" oh, he wanted to be alone.
"I'll leave you to your cooking then, the plates are in that cupboard, cups are in there and that's where the utensils are" you point to the correct draw and cupboards before leaving the kitchen.
You would get some toast later after you got ready for work.

After a nice refreshing morning routine with clean clothes being put on. You come back down the stairs with a small bounce in your step. Although you have to tone it down when you notice 'Ben' sitting at the table eating his food slowly.
You still have another two and a half hours to wait until you need to leave. And you don't want to put any music on in case it triggered something.
So you stay silent, head for the kitchen and was about to make a start on cleaning when you realise he might want to eat some more after his first cooked meal.
"Ben? Do you know if you plan to eat more after that plate?" you ask cautiously with a low tone, although you might as well have shouted with how quiet it was.
"No I don't" he replied after a moment of silence "let me clean up after I've eaten, I made it, it should be my responsibility"
You open your mouth to say it wasn't an issue but quickly close it. Babying him isn't going to help things, give him space, let him be as independent as he can be, and help him when he asks for it.
If his pride would let him anyway.
"At least let me show you which tap is which, and your washing options" you offer politely.
You were honestly surprised he didn't hesitate with his answer. Had you done something wrong? You didn't think so.
Nonetheless, when he had finished his food, and after you prepared something for your work lunch. You point to the hot and cold taps and what options he had for washing the dishes.
"This plug is used if you want to wash in the sink, or use this bowl instead" you gesture to the items you mention but stay quiet about the dishwasher.
If he was worried about the TV then you did not want to see how he reacted to the dishwasher. Maybe the washing machine and dryer too? You can focus on those later.
"How long does it take for the water to heat up?" he asks.
"Not long if you have it full stream, if I may demonstrate" you offer cautiously.
He's silent for a moment "please"
Your movements aren't extremely slow since you didn't want to imply an insult to him, but you do make a show of which tap was the hot one and twist it until it was mid-flow.
"Are you going with the bowl or sink?" you ask.
You show him how to put the plug in the sink and hand him the washing-up liquid "use this for both washing and pouring into the water, just don't put too much in other wise it's going to look like a bubble bath" you warn him.
"What about the cloth needed to clean them?"
Cloth? "I use a sponge" you gesture to the pack of sponges lying innocently on the window sill since you have a problem of forgetting where you put things "I personally find them more effective but I should have a spare cloth if you want to stick with that"
You look under the sink and find an already open but wrapped up pack of clean cloths and pull one out and hand it to him.
"That's about it, I'll leave you to it" you inform him before grabbing your work lunch and leaving the kitchen.
You hear the clattering of dishes go into the sink as you step into the living room, heading straight for the radio and was just about to turn it on when you hear something coming from the kitchen.
It was humming. But it didn't sound like a tune you were familiar with.
You decide to leave the radio for now, don't want to distract him after all. You settle for listening with your phone and wait, either to leave or for him to finish.

You were honestly surprised that you were able to get through 5 songs before Ben made his appearance. He certainly had his colour back. You think. It was rather hard to tell with his skin being somewhat dark.
It was a lovely skin tone though. Lucky sod.
You quickly pull your earphones out and turn off your music, as if expecting him to say something as he sits down in the seat he had used to eat from. He doesn't.
Another awkward moment of silence as you wait for him to say, something.
You believe it might be better to just stay quiet. You know you can have a loud mouth and not many people liked it. Especially when you babbled/ranted.
You fiddle around on your phone to pass the time, and when said time did come for you to leave, you cautiously speak up, which you may as well have been shouting with how loud it sounded.
"If you don't want to use the radio, your welcome to use the books down here" you offer gently to him.
You would offer the books upstairs but you wouldn't have time to show him if you wanted to get to work early.
"You already mentioned" he replies calmly "but thank you"
You muster just enough courage to say "see you when I get back" before making a run for it.
You don't care if you were there 'extra early' you couldn't stand to be in the house with a gloomy person that looked ready to rip your head off. Sure it wasn't his fault, completely anyway. But the way the room felt when he entered.
It felt like all the fun was sucked out and left with a sense of someone dying.
But in all fairness, that could just be your paranoia talking, you always did have a problem with over thinking things or assuming the worst out of any situation.

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