Roles Reversed and Explanation Time

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The shoe shop had gone on without a hitch, and while the shoes weren't top of the range, they were reliable for outdoor work. He loved those light brown shoes either way and was holding them close to his chest as you make your way to the second-to-last shop for the day.
The last shop held books as far as the eye could see, including some history on machinery and cooking books too, but these books weren't what interested you, there was a very specific-looking book you had in mind. Maybe two.
"Do you think you can handle a few minutes alone while I get something?" you whisper as you lead him to some books you think he might like.
He visibly tensed "why can't I come with you?"
"It's a surprise" you reply honestly "I promise I won't be long, I know exactly what I'm looking for because we went past it" you point in the direction you had just come from.
His eyes flickered between you and the side of your head, you hadn't gone that far into the shop so you were technically still near the entrance, along with the cash register. Not a lot of space to be considered hiding spots either.
"Can I at least look at you every now and then?" he asked nervously.
"If that makes you feel comfortable then yes" you reply calmly, you could easily hide what you were looking for "once I grab it I'm going to pay for it and then come back here, alright? I'll let you know when that happens"
Once he nods again you turn and head for the tables that held the books you were looking for, you felt really uncomfortable having Ben watch you hunt for the surprise but there was no way in hell you were going to risk having him suffer through another panic attack so soon after his first one. He didn't deserve to suffer through that again. You'd rather suffer through paranoia for the rest of the day before you let anything happen to him.
Your steps are not hesitant as you head for the table that had what you seeked, it only took you a few seconds to find the book you wanted, a simple black-coloured and hardback book. It had lined pages and a few blank pages at the back of it. Perfect if he needed to draw anything to help him.
You look back to see Ben staring at you intently. Oh boy. You think he was looking a little frazzled, you recognise that wild, wide-eye look anywhere. You quickly point to yourself then to the register, hoping he would silently get the message. He does.
You stand in the queue and quickly get your money ready and grab a pack of pens. The transition went smoothly and you were able to get back to Ben with no issue. He practically glued himself to your side as you continue to walk around the shop in hopes that there was something that would, tickle his fancy, as the saying goes.
Sadly, nothing did. So you both left for the next shop to get some flowers and seeds Ben might be interested in growing. Some didn't appeal to him, but he did eventually grab some, including lavender and Peppermint. Which you told him was good in food, causing him to look at you in surprise.
"You can actually put flowers and leaves into food?" he asks in surprise.
You nod "only certain plants though, Lavender is usually the most common I believe, you can even use tree leaves too, I know one country has Blossom cake, or was it Peach blossom cake?" you don't recall the exact name of the dish.
He looks at you in surprise then at the packet "why Lavender though? What properties does it have that would warrent it to be used in food?" he wasn't asking out of disgust, more of curiosity and confusion.
"Lavender is normally used to help soothe and make people sleep better, I guess you can call it Nature's version of a sleeping pill, most people normally smell it before they go to sleep, others have it hanging in their rooms, some eat it, honestly I don't think its any different to people drinking Coffee, since coffee beans are a plant, or was it a tree?"
Ben's eyes went unfocused, drifting away from your face for a few seconds before they focused back onto you "how long does it take to grow?"
"Depends on the weather and how well you treat it" you state as you pick up a packet and read the contents "but if your referring to full height, it can take more than a year depending on what flowers you want to grow"
Ben hums, looking a little glum but kept the Lavender packet as you make your way to the register once the both of you had everything you needed. You also secretly add an extra item to the conveyor belt when Ben wasn't looking and hid it in the same bag that held your other surprise for him.
"If you think eating Lavender is weird, wait until you try Nettle soup" you add as you leave the store.
The face Ben makes at your declaration made you giggle like a schoolgirl. It was adorable.

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now