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The laptop. It came to her in a dream. Quokka – the boy Yuna had met the other day in the cafe – was part of the Stray Kids mafia group? There's no way. The boy was too soft and too sweet to be a member of any kind of gang – let alone a mafia gang.

However, that laptop did have the same "S.K.Z" painted on it that was painted on the wall of the bank – and laying from the rubble. "Whatever. It doesn't matter right now." Yuna says to herself as she gets up. She starts her morning routine, and finally leaves the hotel room.

Yuna's been researching the past few days – she hasn't even been going out for food, but instead Door Dashing all the food. However, today she decided to go out for breakfast – to the little cafe she once sat in and met the boy.

"Closed?" Yuna read aloud. "Why would they be closed?" Yuna looks around and realizes that all the businesses on this block are closed. Sure, the bank that sat a few doors down is closed indefinitely – and in a pile of rubble – but that had no affect on these businesses here.

She decides to start walking to another place, when she spots something familiar. A sketch book with S.K.Z painted on the lid.

Without a moment of hesitation, Yuna starts to follow the guy carrying the laptop. This guy looks nothing like Quokka, who she met in the cafe a few days ago. This one is tall and blonde with feminine features, unlike the boy called Quokka.

She follows this guy – through all the alleyways – for what seems like forever, until they reach what appears to be an abandoned factory. Yuna stops just short of the corner as to not be seen by anyone.


A gunshot was fired into – assumably – the air. The whole block was silenced. No car horns, no people talking on their walks, no cell phones ringing – nothing.

"Did you get it?" One male voice said. "No, I didn't get anything. I thought I was being followed!" A second male voice exclaimed to the first. They seemed to be arguing over something. "You're an idiot, Hyunjin. You really are." The first voice said the second.


The loudest door slam you've ever heard from any kind of door, and a loud yell of frustration from the second voice to follow right after it. Yuna saw this as the perfect time to escape this situation before she was caught.

□ Find Stray Kids mafia base

□ F̶i̶n̶d̶ S̶t̶r̶a̶y̶ K̶i̶d̶s̶ m̶a̶f̶i̶a̶ b̶a̶s̶e̶

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