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"So, let me get this straight." The leader – called Chan – started. "She found us – just by Googling us – and now she wants to join us?"

"Well, we thought about killing her, but hell, Han wasn't too fond of that idea." Changbin rolls his eyes. "It's almost like he has a thing for her." Han glares at Changbin, while Chan looks to Felix.

Felix is frantically typing on his laptop. "I don't fucking understand! Shit! Nothing's showing up!" He looks up in panic.

"That's because Yuna already deleted all the fucking information on us." Changbin states and hits the backside of Felix's head. The relief on Felix's face is short-lived, when Chan turns to Yuna.

"I see we have a professional hacker on our hands. How would you like Felix's job?" He asks. "WHAT!?" Felix exclaims, standing up quickly in an outrage.

"Calm down, Yongbok. I have a special place for traitors like you." Chan states simply as Changbin grabs Felix.

"No!! No! NO!!!" Felix cries, while trying to get free. "I'm not a traitor! Please-" Felix pauses as Changbin drops him to the ground and Felix crawls to Yuna's feet- "Teach me your ways."

"Now that's more like it, Felix." Changbin says smugly, kicking him once in the gut – just to make sure the point got across.

Felix groans and everyone else in the room turns to Yuna. "Well, what do you say?" Chan asks and Han lowers the hammer on his gun behind her.

It's like time slows down for Yuna. The only way she can answer is yes. Even though she knows nothing, and she only found them by pure luck. Her only other option is death, which Yeonjun specifically told her not to choose in the beginning of her career.

"Hell yeah." Yuna states nonchalantly. Han puts his gun away, and time seems to go back to normal.

"Come on! I'll show you the cams." Chan says and motions for Yuna to follow him.

Up the stairs they go, around the corner and finally into a small room with four computers set up. Chan closes the door and next thing Yuna knows, she's pinned to the wall by her throat.

"I know who the fuck you are, Choi Yuna. I'll be watching you like you've never been fucking watched before. One wrong move and your fucking dead, got it?" Chan states in a low and authoritative voice. Yuna nods the best she can and Chan releases her.

"I swear on my life I'd never purposefully do anything against you ever again."

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