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His deep voice rang through her ears as he stepped up to the computer. He started typing multiple things into the computer at once, so fast Yuna couldn't keep up.

"Felix-" he cuts her off.

"You think it was just by chance you were sent on this mission? The letters you were getting at the hotel? The way I.N easily broke the code a few minutes ago?" Felix states more than questions, pausing only to make sure Yuna was following. "I want Chan taken down, and I don't care how you do it. He knows too much and the agency can't catch his gang."

"Aren't you part of his gang?" Yuna questions cautiously. Felix stares straight into her eyes. "Aren't you?"

Silence filled the room as she contemplated the information she was just given. Her boss is the guy Chan asked her mere weeks ago to replace.

Just then, Chan walks through the door and looks at the two of them. "Am I interrupting something?" He asks, annoyed.

"I was just giving Felix another computer lesson!" Yuna lies quickly and Felix nods in agreement. "Lesson over. Get out." Chan commands, and both leave as fast as the can.

"Hey, Yuna!" Han calls from the kitchen area downstairs, and motions for her to come toward him. "What's up, Jisu-" he cuts her off by pressing his lips to hers. Her mind goes blank, and only the thought of his lips on hers remains. She's even a little awestruck when he pulls away.

"It wasn't a dare, then..." He trails as his eyes roam her facial expression. She shakes her head slowly, indicating a no. "I thought so." He sighs and pats her arm dismissively. "Glad to know."

He almost sounds disappointed as he shakes his head and goes back to type. Throwing himself at his work, like normal. Any other time, this would've been acceptable – and expected – but right now, Yuna can't handle it.

"That's it?" She asks. "That's all you wanted?" Han confirms this with a nod, but Yuna doesn't wait for him to say anything. "You just wanted to kiss me to find out if I was lying or not? Over a stupid thing Hyunjin might've said? I knew mafia members were low, but this is a new one for you, Han Jisung."

She tosses her cellphone on the countertop next to him and walks out of the building. She doesn't even stop when Changbin or Hyunjin or even Jeongin call out to her.

Is this betrayal? She had tried to keep some distance between herself and Han, but had it just made everything worse? Did she paint a picture of this guy that wasn't even close to accurate?

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