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"So she is a spy!" Felix says in faux amazement. "How long have you known? Have you been holding the fuck out on me?" Hyunjin questions the younger, glaring down at him.

"No, but I overheard Chan and Changbin hyungs talking about her the other morning." Felix says matter-of-factly. "You better put this back before Yuna realizes it's gone, though."

Hyunjin rolls his eyes so hard at the younger, his head moves a little with it. He then takes the paper and goes back to cams with it.


"Has anybody seen Yuna?" Chan asks the members, obviously annoyed. "I have a mission I need her on." He finishes and Felix perks up.

"Let me, Hyung! I'm just as skilled as she is." Felix proclaims, already going up to the security room. "Fine, whatever. Changbin, Hyunjin, Han and myself will be out for a few days. I'll check in when I need you." Chan states and motions for his needed team members to follow him.

Felix sits down at the desk and grins ear to ear. "Damn, it feels good to be back! Now, where the hell are you, Choi Yuna..." He trails as he starts his search on the computers.

Felix types in Yuna's phone number into a tracking service. "Why are you in Taebaek?"


"Yeonjun, I can't go back there!" Yuna exclaims, pacing her older brother's living room carpet. "Yuna, you have to, they'll kill you." Yeonjun replies calmly, petting her dog who's nuzzled in his lap. "Why'd you even do that to begin with?"

He's not just asking about her running away, nor her petty reason to run away. He's asking for her reasonings on the past two weeks.

"Well," Yuna starts, "I broke in because I wanted to just get it over with and be done, – you know, have a month off – but instead, they captured me. And really, the whole thing was an accident! I saw Hyunjin carrying something with their logo on it so I followed him and bam! location unlocked.
  "Then Changbin and Jisung were going to kill me because I knew too much, but Jisung convinced Chan – who, by the way, trained me in Australia a few years ago – to let me stay, and said I was better at technology than Felix because I lied.
  "And then, I had to help organize petty crimes with Jeongin, and pretend to teach Felix stuff on the computer. But then a few mornings ago when Hyunjin said Jisung liked me back I just..." Yuna trails off as her spiel comes to an end.

"You just what, Yuna?" Yeonjun asks, his tone a bit more serious than before.

"I don't know, but I think I lost my mind!" Yuna exclaims in frustration. "It isn't like me to just join a mafia group, even if my life depended on it! I love my job. There's less big crimes happening because of my work!"

"Okay, and?" Yeonjun responds, smirking a little as he already knows the answer. "I don't know!" Yuna frustratedly plops herself down onto the couch adjacent to her brother.

"You've been blinded by love"

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