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"I want to join you."  Yuna starts. "I've done my research, I found my way here – let me join you."

The two males look at each other, baffled.

"Why didn't you say so sooner!" The male gets out a knife from his pocket and cuts the ropes from her arms.

"You're just going to trust her like that!?" Quokka asked, surprised. "She fucking broke into our base!"

"Yeah, and? She knows too much, so either she joins or we fuck her up." The unknown male glares at Quokka. "I'm Changbin. He's an idiot."

"Hey! Next time, I'll fill your head with an ass load of lead!" Quokka defends. "You can call me Han or Jisung, Quokka's my code name." He says to Yuna.

"Yuna." She states plainly, while attempting to get up. "ARUGH!" She yells. "My ankle! Why does it hurt so bad!?" She drops herself back down onto the mattress on the floor and tries to get a look at it.

"Well, someone hit you off the fucking wall, while someone else was shoving you upstairs..." Han trails off.

"Who?" Yuna asks.

"You try carrying dead weight with a fucking moron!" Changbin exclaims and crosses his arms.

"It's a wonder your ankle is only sore." Han states and rolls his eyes.


Changbin and Han show Yuna around the base, and introduce her to a few of the other members.

"Chan, Lee Know and Felix are out on a mission right now, but we'll introduce them to you later." Changbin confirms.

"What do we do in the meantime?" Yuna asks, gawking around the main rooms.

"Well, we figure out what the hell you can do. Obviously, research is a skill of yours." Han states, while picking up an oil cloth to oil and clean the katanas over the fireplace.

"Research? That's how she found us?" Hyunjin asks in disbelief. "Felix must be leaving behind a computer trail." Seungmin scoffs. "See guys!? This is why I'd make a better hacker than Felix Hyung!" The youngest – called I.N – exclaims.

Yuna looks over at Changbin, who's examining the weapons she had on her. "Four G19s and a weird ass pocket knife? How much more fucking generic can you get?" He moreso states than asks, making the other four members laugh.

"What's wrong with a G19?" Yuna asks. "Nothing if you're the fucking government." Changbin responds. "Did you steal them?" Seungmin asks, narrowing his eyes at her.

Of course she didn't steal them, they were issued to her when she started her training. However, they should be in her bosses name – not hers.

"Why else would anyone own that many G19s?" She responds to his question with her own, and all the males cheer.

"How did you know we were successful?"

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