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Tucked away on the edge of the woodland area view from Seoul, was a little shelter. A shelter Yuna knew all too well.

There is where she brought them. All of them. Seven of them bound together, while the eighth – the one she trusted most – was free to roam the building.

"I'm surprised this place is still in tact. I mean, with all the bullets that we shot here." Felix said as he ran his fingertips along the wooden wall of the structure.

"I'm surprised at how well you drugged them." Yuna scoffs at her boss as she moves a limb out of the way. "I'm even more surprised you got ahold of me like you did."

The memory flashes through her mind. She had taken note of all the weak points of the base. The upstairs window of the room she was held captive in was always open when no prisoner was there, and from that room it was a straight shot across the hall to where Felix spent his downtime. That's how she ‘got ahold’ of him. A smug grin crosses her face, she was so proud of herself.

"Yuna..?" A trembling voice asked from the floor. Seungmin was groggily looking up at her, and as pale as if he's seeing a ghost. "Am I dead?" Yuna scoffs. "Not yet." She took her hand and placed it on his head. "Don't look at me like that. You look like you've seen a ghost."


After what felt like forever, all seven members were awake, and Yuna was standing face to face with the leader. "Surprised, Chan?" Though he was still groggy from the drugs, he was just as alert as ever.

"What is this even about? You're supposed to be dead!" Chan struggles against his bonds. "There's only two ways out of the mafia, and I really don't think these people want to fake their own deaths the way I did." Yuna responds, kneeling in front of Chan.

"So what? They don't want out."

"Hey guys? Why is Felix standing over there?" Hyunjin interjects. All attention then turns to Felix.

"I'm the good guy." Felix states calmly, leaning against the wall. He then picks up a gun from the floor and spins it around in his hand. "You better hurry this up, Yuna. I'm not willing to wait forever."

Yuna nods and grabs Chan by his jaw and jerks his gaze to hers. "I'll just get straight to it then. Agree to disband, or agree to your death."

"Neither." Chan spits in her face, a smug look prancing across his face. "I don't have the patience for this." Felix says impatiently, lowering the hammer on his gun. "Pick one, Chan, or I'll decide for you." Yuna states, taking the gun from Felix.

Chan takes a deep breath. "I'm not disbanding the mafia."


A gun shot rang through the building.

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