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"Right, Yuna?" Han asks, anxiety filling his voice.

Han's anxiety has only been getting to him when Yuna's around. And when she kissed him – it was like his entire world was collapsing around him, but in a good way?

"Yeah, just a dare. Hyunjin just wants me dead, apparently." Yuna lies and rolls her eyes.

"You're lying!" Hyunjin yells at her, but is stopped by Chan. "All of you, stop this petty shit or else." He states in the most serious voice Yuna has ever heard Chan use.


The rest of that car ride was dead silent – and when they got to the base, Chan sent her straight to work. Chan took Han and Hyunjin with him for their mission they put on pause to find Yuna – and they left Changbin there so Yuna wouldn't 'run away' again.

Bored out of her mind, Yuna decides to look around the room. Nothing too interesting. Lots of paper Felix took notes on, files on old missions in the filing cabinets and an intercom.

Curious, Yuna pushed the button and spoke into it. "Hello? Where does this lead?" Buzz buzz. Not two seconds later, her phone lit up with a text from an unknown number.

The message was encrypted in the code that only Choi Yuna and her boss know. She gasps and drops her phone upon reading the text; "𝚃𝚘 𝚖𝚎."

Jeongin rushes up the stares as he heard a thud from there. He rounds the corner and bursts through the security room door.

"Yuna! Are you okay!?" He huffs, out of breath. Yuna nods and picks up her phone. "Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry for worrying you, IN." She responds, examining the text message.

"What are you looking at? Did you get a threatening text message? Channie hyung just tells us to ignore them – because Changbin hyung will destroy them if they try anything." The boy chuckles at himself and tries to peer over Yuna's shoulder.

Yuna pulls her phone close to her chest as she feels his warm breath trail down her neck. "You can't look at my texts. It's rude." Yuna reminds him sternly.

"Why? Is it a text from your bOyFrIeNd?" The boy teases and Yuna laughs. "No, I don't have one, remember?"

"You never told us that. Otherwise we would've tried harder to set you and Hannie hyung up on a date." Jeongin crosses his arms. "So, if it's not your boyfriend, I wanna see."

The boy then takes the phone right out of her hand and examines the message thoroughly.

"'To me'? Why would someone just send you that?" He asks curiously, while tapping a few buttons on the screen.

"Because I tried the intercom thingy over there and-" Yuna stops as she realizes Jeongin read the decoded message- "Wait. How did you know what it said?"

"Because this is the code we use when we text from different cellphones. How do you know it?" The boy responds, holding the phone in his hands tightly.

"Chan taught it to me awhile ago. I used to trim with him when we worked together before. But that doesn't matter-" Jeongin cuts her off.

"So that's why Hyung wants you on these missions instead of Felix. You must've worked well together before." He states before handing her the phone back.

"You can put that in as Felix hyung."

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