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The voices in her head all fell silent as soon as she hit the water. The quiet, stillness of the water filled her ears for the longest time. Her body floating quickly with the river current as she slowly swims toward the surface.

Lee Know stood on the bridge in shock. What was he going to tell Chan? Or the other members? Or even Han? "Damn you, Choi Yuna..." he whispered to the view over the bridge and started his journey to the base.

Yuna breaks the surface of the water and spreads out her body to float. She waits until she naturally washes up onto shore.

The dive from so high up would've killed anyone not trained with such diving skills. Thankfully, Yuna had a few lessons in 20 meter diving.

Once upon the shore, she gathered her wits and went on about her way, hoping Lee Know would return to the base with the news of her dive.


"She what!?" Felix exclaims in disbelief as he goes to the window, watching gravity pull at the raindrops on the glass. "She jumped off Hangang bridge. There wasn't anything I could do! I ran after her, but she was determined for death." Lee Know shrugs as he plops himself onto the oversized couch in the main room.

Felix cracks the window open, wanting to hear the calming sounds of rain pelting the windowsill.

"Now who will help me organize my crimes!" The youngest, I.N cries. "I'll help you-" Seungmin starts, but gets cut off by a sob.

Han touches his lips with his fingertips. Had he caused this? Was this all over what he had done? Slowly, he goes over next to Felix.

"Did you know about this?" Han asks softly, his voice a mere tremble. Felix takes a long sigh before answering. "No, not about this."

Though his expressions are deadpan, he can't help to let his mind wander. Could this have been his fault? Did he put too much pressure on her with this mission? She was one of his top agents.

Chan's voice breaks the silence that fell around the eight members. "Well, there's only two ways out of our gang. My death or yours." Chan sighed. Though he wasn't too fond of having his old coworker in his gang, it was nice having Yuna around.

"We can't just sit and mope around. We have things to do!" Changbin yelled and stood up from the couch.

And just like that, everyone tasked themselves with something...

Even Miss Choi Yuna, who was listening from beneath the window.

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