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The rain was pouring down on Yuna as she walked aimlessly through the streets of Seoul. She had no umbrella and no jacket. Her body soaked to the bone with the rain water.

How could she be so foolish? To speak to Han like that? It ate at her the whole time she walked, until finally she sat on the curb. Slumped over, head in hands and tears rolling down her cheeks. She felt betrayed. What could've came over him to act the way he did?

Soon, Yuna realizes she doesn't feel the frigid pelts of the raindrops. When she looks around, she finds Lee Know sitting on the curb next to her, with an umbrella over them both. "I'm not going back." Yuna states weakly, hugging her knees to her chest.

"Back where?" Lee Know asks calmly, looking out into traffic. "Back to the base. You know that. Why did you follow me?" She asks while sniffling. "And you're too late with the umbrella." She tugs at her shirt and wrings the water from the hem for dramatic effect.

Lee Know let's out a little chortle at this action. "I didn't follow you. I've been here all day." He says as he motions toward the Han river behind them.

This was wear he spent most of his time. He's a smuggler, so he stayed by the river in case he got lucky. Yuna had been told that he would sometimes leave Seoul for the harbors and boating docks, just to see what he could pick up.

"All day?" Yuna asks dumbfounded. She was so distracted, she didn't even realize Lee Know wasn't there when it happened.

He nods in response, then moves the umbrella to block a splash of water from a passing car. "So you don't know why I'm out here?" She asks, wiping her face in hopes he didn't notice the tear stains.

"And crying? Not a clue." He responds smugly, and Yuna nudges him by the shoulder. She takes a deep breath and starts to tell him about what happened. How Han had kissed her, and what he said after it, and what she said before she left, all ending in a big sob and dropping her head back in her hands.

"Well..." Lee Know trails as his thoughts run ramped through his mind. "Let's get you some dry clothes and something to eat. Then you're going back, or Chan hyung will have your head."


She had completely forgot about him, and what she needed to do. She gets up from the curb and runs toward the river as fast as she possibly can.

"Yuna, wait!" Lee Know calls from behind, running after her. But it was no use. Yuna ran all the way to the river bank and onto the bridge, then – when the water was deep enough...

She jumped off the bridge.

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