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"I think she's waking up!"

"Should I hit her again?"

"No! You guys shouldn't have hit her at all! Do you even know who she is?"



It's all Yuna could see and hear. Slowly, she opened her eyes and found herself in...

A bedroom.

"How anticlimactic." She thought to herself as she tried to get up. Stuck. She looks around and finds that – while they were nice enough to give her a bed – her arms were tied behind her and attached to the wall.

The room was dull, just like a jail cell. There was a small window that you could feel the sunshine wanting to come through, but the dark and heavy curtain over it said otherwise. No lamps, no light switch, no outlets – just a mattress on the floor and a sunshine forbidden window.

"Is she really awake now, Hyung? Do you really think we should be bothering her? You did beat her up real good last night!"

A voice sounds as though to be getting closer. Yuna quickly lies back to pretend she hadn't even woken up yet.

The door swings open and hits the wall with a loud thud.

"Ya!" A second voice yells and kicks the mattress. Yuna's eyes open quickly, unable to continue the facade.

Lifted by her shirt collar, the male pulls her up and away from the wall.

"Quokka?" Yuna asks, now having gotten a good look at both males standing above her. The second male looks at the first, and he looks Yuna up and down.

 The second male looks at the first, and he looks Yuna up and down

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"How does she fucking know you?" The first asks the second. "I..." He pauses, wondering if he should disclose that information or not.

"You what?" The first male lowers his eyebrows at Quokka, while maintaining a very firm grip on Yuna. "I saw her in a cafe once. She must've seen my laptop or my notebook." He states as though it were how it really happened.

Yuna stays quiet as the two converse, and suddenly the first male turns to her. "So, you're a spy. Who do you fucking work for?" He pulls her body up closer to his face so fast, even Quokka flinches.

"I don't." Yuna responds.

While that isn't true, she has never met her boss – she's not even heard his voice.

"Okay, fine. I'll just leave you here with him and we'll see how the story fucking changes when I come back." The male shoves her down onto the mattress and turns to leave the room. "Don't go easy on her, Chan says she's seasoned."


Quokka kneels down on the floor after he knows the other male had left.

"You should really answer his questions. You won't be hurt any worse than you already are if you do." He says softly and grabs Yuna's hand.

"Why the mafia?" Yuna asks him, pulling away. "You're so kind – you saved me from a bomb that day."

"Because I thought you were a fucking civilian." His voice hardens as he gets defensive. "Anybody who knows anything about the mafia knows not to fuck with us."

"Technically, you still saved me." Yuna states again and sits up.

The door opens and Quokka lunges at Yuna's throat. "I asked a question! Answer me or I'll tighten my grip!" He yells at her.

"Hell, now that's what I like to see. A fucking scared victim." The same voice as earlier states with a scoff. "She's a tough one to crack, Hyung." Quokka responds and slowly tightens his grip on Yuna's throat.

"Join..." Yuna tries to speak, it becoming harder to the harder Quokka squeezes.

"Let go." The unknown male orders, and Quokka releases his grip – making Yuna cough. "Speak."

"I want to join you."

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