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"Mom!I don't want to marry him I don't even know who is that bitch!" he yelled frustrated by the fact that his parent arranged a marriage without telling him first.

"But son, we do this for your good" his mom replied.

"Whatever I don't wanna hear 'No' as an answer you're gonna marry him that's it!" his father said and left.

"Don't worry son...it's not like he gonna treat you badly" his mom utter calmly and patted his back.

"How can you say that?" he asked.

"I know him very well, he is my bestfriend's son"she answered.

"Ughhh okay fine" he replied and went to his room.

'This is so annoying' he muttered to himself.


"What!!!!!!?" he yelled.

"No what, No why my dear son we already set a date" his father said.

"But who is this guy?"he asked.

"He is my friend's son...don't worry he is cute you'll fall for him"his mom said chuckling.

"Oh gosh mom why would I fall for someone I don't even know" he annoyingly said.

"Okay we will see" his mom replied.

"So this guy did he agree or Not?" he asked not looking at them for some reason.

"Ayyy are you already falling for him, when I said he is cute?" his mom teased him and his father laughed.

"Oh No Way" he said and left.

Well now he is really curious who is his future husband.


"JISUNG?" he heard someone call him.

"Ohh yes lix?" he replied

"I've been calling you several times and you zoned out.. Mind tell us what's the problem?" Felix asked.

"I'm getting Married soon" he replied blankly.

"WHAT!!!!!" All of his friends asked in shock and unison.
Poor Jeongin choked on his strawberry milk.

"Guys guys calm down," Jisung said.

"jisungie how can we calm down, you are getting MARRIED how can you hide from us that you have a boyfriend?" lix asked a little angry at his friend for not telling.

"Yes yes" Jeongin nodded cutely.

"And now you are even gonna marry him?" Seung-min asked not believing his friend to hide this.

"Guys can you please calm dom!" jisung huffed and said.
"It's not like I know who I'm gonna marry" Jisung sighed.

"What!" all of them together again.

"What do you mean?" seungmin asked.

"It's an Arrange marriage and I don't even know the person I'm gonna marry yet," he said.

"Ohhh... Well that's why" Seung-min said stealing jeongin cake

"Hyung! That's mine" jeongin yelled.everyone ignored.

"Oh Goshh....i thought you betrayed and hide it from us I was almost about to end our friendship" Felix being dramatic , putting his hand on chest thinking about almost breaking their friendship but obviously a joke.

Arrannge Marriage- Unrequited | MinSungWhere stories live. Discover now