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"Ji  please" minho whispered.

Jisung didn't say anything.He didn't know what to do, even though they're married , but still. Should he allow him to do it and what would happen tomorrow . Will he forget all this? He is not drunk that he will forget about it, right?

"Why are you silent, Ji? I'll take that as a yes, okay baby?" minho said before carrying Jisung in a bridal style to their share bedroom. He walked upstairs, entered his room, and closed the door unlocked with his leg.

He put Jisung on the bed, hovered above jisung.
Jisung was just looking at minho with hesitation on his mind. He doesn't know if he was ready or not for this.

Minho started kissing him again, exploring every inches of jisung's face and neck, "hyung-are you in your right mind?" Asked jisung. He doesn't want minho to take advantage of him like this out of the blue. What if minho was just in a mood of intimidating but having no actual feelings towards him.

"Yes, don't think much,"
"I'm in a mood. Don't ruin it,"
Jisung says nothing but listen as minho proceed, he hold both of jisung's hand pins against the bed while kissing him. Jisung hesitated but at the same time excited about what they were doing. After having deep thoughts on it, he finally reciprocates the kiss, letting his eyes closed feeling the kiss goes more harsher, which lets jisung moan within the kiss.

Minho started to trail kiss from his lip to under his chin next to the collarbone, jisung tilted his head to the side, letting minho move through to his neck. The session went through to the extent that they ended up undressing each other, having two naked body collide in touches.

Jisung whines when minho stops mid-session looking at jisung , jisung looks back , making eye contact with minho burning his inner skin, his face becomes red but fades away when minho stood up from the bed, he was confused why minho stop it in the middle of their make-out, 'is he taking back from what he is doing?' But those fake thoughts were interrupted when minho came back with a  small bottle on his hand and , is that cond-?, jisung realised and blushed hard and then he realised again , he was staring at minho NAKED!!, and he was naked as well!.

Getting back on bed, minho bed over jisung face and whispered on his ear, "Are you ready?" Jisung says nothing but gaze at him, not letting the moments in wastes minho captured jisung's lip," jisung instantly grabbed minho's jaws returning the kiss.
Putting the bottles of lube and packet of condoms on the side bed , minho pulled jisung down to lay comfortably on bed, "I'm sorry if this is too sudden, but I feel the sudden desire of doing it" said minho as he give a quick peck after saying those words, was minho finally in love with jisung? It could be because of the movie they watched earlier, was it? This would make no sense if he does it without having a genuine feeling of love towards jisung.

"I'm not sure if you are ready though, are you?" Minho asked, concerned about jisung if he wanted it, but if he doesn't,  he would not let minho go this further, would he? After putting his condom on and prepping jisung, they were already in the process of making love.

The room was filled with moans, whimpered, groans , heavy breathing , and unholy noises. Jisung's grip on minho's biceps was firm and strong as minho was thrusting with pace inside him, jisung closed his eyes shut when he felt his inside was burning hot as well as minho's length get bigger the more he thrust the more it got massive making jisung's moans grew louder as minho was close to reach his climax.
"Hyung!~" jisung breathlessly moan.
"Ah~yeah! Baby~?" Minho response moaning in the process.
"I feel weird in-side!"
"Don't worry~"  he whispered before kissing him to distract him from the pain, "it's normal to feel like that." 

The make-out session continued, but it was a gentle sex.
Hope minho will remember it. Of course he will. He was not drunk to forget about it, and if he thought it's a dream again? Let's see about that.


It's 7: 28 in the morning.

Jisung woke up first when he opened his eyes. He tries to move, but he feels pain in his lower body. He just realised they had Sex??!!! He is happy that he does it with his crush or husband? but he is nervous. Did he mean that?? does he remember when he woke up??.

Many thoughts are in his mind. What if he forgets? A tear escaped from his eyes.
'I am glad you are my first, Minho,' he whispered.

And get off the bed, even though he is limping. He walks to the bathroom and cleans himself. He walks downstairs to make breakfast.

He opened the fridge to take some eggs.
And place it on a cooking table. He grabbed some other stuff to cook.

He was finally done cooking.He was making pancakes(I almost wrote Fancakes 😭💀).
He poured some milk into a glass for himself.

He then heard a footstep coming towards him

"Hi baby," minho said, yawning.Jisung was happy he thought minho didn't forget about last night

"Hi minho hyung las-" jisung was about to complete his statements when.

"Where did you sleep?" minho asked.

"Huh..what do you mean?"  jisung asked, confused.

"I mean, you slept on the bed or on the couch?" minho asked.

"Ohh...i - I slept on the Couch," he lied, faking a smile.
So he doesn't remember?Not even a bit? Not even a kissed??.

"Ohh wow, you made pancakes?" Minho excitedly walked to the tables where pancakes are kept.

"Yeahh, you can have it, I'll pour some milk for you," jisung said.

"Thanks, Ji," Minho uttered.

Jisung widened his eyes. That was the name minho called him last night.

"No problems," jisung responded.

"I'm going to my friends's house, will be back soon," Minho said after eating.

A tear escaped from jisung's eyes.

"You really don't remember anything at all , Minho," he muttered to himself.

I hate you again and again , and I'm still in love with you again and again.

I hate you so fucking much.


When minho head outside from inside the house.He let out a relief sighed.

"Oh Gosh" he uttered.

He hopped inside his car.

On the way to his friends house.

"So that was actually just a dream? ....but why does it look so real?"

Hour ago when jisung was in the kitchen.

Minho woke up and found himself nake on the bed , yes it used to be normal cuz he always sleep naked, but today's morning he found himself completely naked and the bed was dirty like yk.

"Did I slept with jisung????" he was shocked himself.

"Will he be mad at me? oh no! What should I do?" he was nervous.

"But what if it was just a dream?"

"Hope it's just a dream, I mean not like I don't want to but not in this way I mean like I had in my  dreams" he told himself,

He was embarrassed,  shy and nervous and don't know.

He decided to asked jisung first 'If jisung slept on the couch then it's  was a dream .But if he didn't slept on couch then....i don't know....his reply is the answer' he thought.

He cleans the bed and himself too.
And head downstairs.

Now in a car ride, he can not  stop thinking of his dream, he is blushing, flustered, smiling.

"Oh Gosh, jisung what have you done to me?" he chuckles.


No proofreading

Double update cuz I got times,

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