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I know who it is. So I didn't care about looking.
He entered inside, smiling.
He was about to go upstairs
"Where were you?" I asked.
"Hang out," he said happily
"With whom?" I asked, already knowing.
But wanna know if he is gonna lie or tell the truth.
"With a friend," he said, smiling further.
"Okay... Try to come earlier next. Don't hang out late," I said.
"I'm coming early today though it's still evening," he said, frowning.
"Yeah, just telling you before it happens," I said
"Why do you even care?" he muttered silently, walking upstairs, but I heard him. Why did he sound mad suddenly?
He was happy a while ago.
Did I ruin his mood?
He is always sulky.


'I hate that old man. Why does he always ruin my mood? Doesn't he have something else to do?
Pretend as if he cares, why doesn't he go to his girlfriend and bother her or whatever,' I said, stomping to my room...
I changed my clothes into cute pajamas

I gotta sleep now, I thought
But I heard a door click. It's Minho Hyung. He didn't even look at me he went straight to the bathroom.
Why is he mad? Mad because I went out?
So what let him be?

After a while, I heard a bathroom door click.
Gosh, why do simple sounds so annoying?
I turned to look and again.

He just came out with a towel wrapping around his waist, wet hair droplets dripping down the floor, I quickly looked away and shouted,
"W-why are you standing there? wear some clothes!"
"I don't wear clothes when I go to bed," he said. He kinda sounds like a pervert.
"Then go and sleep , im gonna sleep too," I said, making my bed.
"Hey, what do you mean go sleep? Where do you think I'm gonna sleep?" he said, began to walk towards me.
"Wha-what are you doing?...u should go and sleep on the couch downstairs!" I said, almost screaming he is coming closer to me.
"What happened, Mr. Husband ?? are you shy??" he smirked.
"No, why would I? I don't like you,"
"Yeah, sure," he smirked again.
"And I'm gonna sleep here from today. I don't like sleeping on that couch. My neck ached," he said, turning over.

He took his hair dryer and dried his hair standing in front of a mirror. I didn't even realise I was staring at his body again until.
"You sure don't like me, but keep on checking me? You are such a pervert, " he said, looking at me in the mirror.
"NO Way! I was just spacing out, "I tell.
"Yeah, what makes you sleep at night?"
"Shut up, you bastard!" I yelled at him.
"Fuck You" I muttered silently. Hope he didn't hear.
"What?" he said.

Minho pov:

I'm feeling sleepy now. I want to sleep , but will he mind me sleeping on the same bed?Who cares? I already told him I don't wanna sleep on the couch. I tucked inside a blanket, and minutes later, I fell asleep.

(-^-)pov: D''''

Minho hand unconsciously traveled over jisung's waist. He pulled him closer and hugged him tight,his chin above jisung's shoulder , jisung was sleeping peacefully, looking tiny beside him. Minho loves how jisung smell, it's makes him feel soft and sweet. He laid a soft kiss on jisung's nape, which makes jisung titled his head in ticklishness. Minho gave another kiss , jisung, due to the strange touch and feels on his nape. He moved a little, changing his sleeping position, but was met with minho's face, who was already looking at him, he blink twice before he realised they were sleeping closely, before jisung could uttered a words minho kiss him, jisung let himself dominate by minho, and kids him back.......

inho hovered above jisung and continued to dominate the kiss, letting out a soft along with harsh moan from both of them, minho trailed down a kiss from jisung's lip, to chin and the his neck, he kiss jisung's lip again against heavy breathing.
"-uhm~minho~" " jisung moan under the kiss,


"HYUNG!!!" Jisung shouted minho immediately, snapped back, and woke up from his dream.

"What?? why are you shouting??" Minho yelled back with annoyance for interrupting my sleep.

"What happened?? Why were you breathing heavily??as If you were on a marathon ,are you okay?? " he asked.

"Uh-no I- ," he said, not looking at him and feelings embarrassed, realising he just had a wet dream of jisung

Minho Pov:

Oh goshhh...that was embarrassing. Why did I even dream about him like that? What was the reason!!!??I don't even like him! I hope he didn't think much of it, ugh! Fucking embarrassing, that was weird as fuck!

"What?" I asked as he was looking at me weirdly, he shook his head,

"Nothing and why are you sleeping with me here?? You pervert!!??" he screamed

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