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After an hour, Minho reached home he took a shower and came back downstairs to eat.
But he was too lazy to cook. He opened the fridge, and the fridge is full of many ingredients and stuff. Did he come grocery and the house is cleaner? When he saw a cheesecake, he decided just to eat that.
He took a semi-half of the cake and put it on a small plate, and he made a chocolate coffee.

Don't know if this is a breakfast or dinner, but it's tasty. Later, he put the plate and cup on the sink and headed to his bedroom. He found a chubby squirrel lying on his bed. He sighed cause he had to sleep on the couch. Hell yeah... he is sleeping peacefully and respectfully should not interrupt his sleep.

Cute squirrel, he is so tiny....rhh, wait, am I adoring him? Fuck No! He headed downstairs, walked straight to the couch, and slept.

It's already morning, since today is Saturday, both of them wake up later than usual. Jisung was the first to wake up, went downstairs, and saw this guy sleeping on the couch.

 Jisung was the first to wake up, went downstairs, and saw this guy sleeping on the couch

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He looks adorable, but still, he has that cold face.
Whatever, I walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. I opened the fridge to take an egg but wait. My cheesecake... It's half of who the heck eats my cheesecake? probably Lee Minho.

"Yaah, Lee Minho!" He screamed, walking to him.

"Aa-h aish....why are you screaming early in the morning?" he shouted almost fall from the couch.

"Why did you eat my cheesecake?!" Jisung yelled.

"Because it was on the fridge. And I was lazy to cook, " he said, rubbing his face and getting up from there and walking upstairs.

"Ughh...I Hate you!"
"I don't like you either,"
"You are so annoying,"
"You ain't less,"

A few minutes later, he came downstairs, and jisung was cooking breakfast for himself.
"Yah!" Minho called out
"Where's my breakfast?" he asked, looking at jisung, who was about to have his breakfast.
"Cook for yourself asshole"
"You are supposed to cook for me!"
" And Why is that?" Jisung annoyingly asked.
"Cuz I'm your husband," he said...

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