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"Hi, hyung," Minho called.
"Hey, min wassup!" Chan responded.
"I'm good." Minho put on a bright smile.
"Yeah....noticeable," Chan nodded.
"Heh....what do you mean?" Minho asked, sitting on Chan's couch.
"You are in a good mood today. That's so unusual," Chan spoke out.
"Ohh really," Minho asked.
"What were you doing hung?" Minho asked.
"I was chatting with a cute boy," Chan said, grinning.
"Woo... Got a boyfriend?" minho teased.
"No, he is still young?"
"But that doesn't mean he won't grow up, right? Minho teased, raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah,,,now stop teasing me....and tell me about yourself," chan stated.
"What about myself? I know, you know ,we know, Lee know, yeah....that's it, " minho joked.

Chan sighed.
"Can you be serious?"
"Uhmmm, well, nothing changes much,but as you know, I'm married, so that might be a problem."
"What's going on?" chan asked.
"Uhm-i have been feeling really strange around him now a days I don't know why, I used to hate him, but recently I found myself staring at him, and when people is close to him..that annoyed me, ...." Chan listening to Minho smiling and minho continue.

"and when he went on a date with that guy, I got angry and yelled at him and then last night i slept-" he finally stop realising what he was talking non stop and he look at chan trying to hold in his embarrassment.....
"Uh-i dream of him," he said, rubbing his nape.

"It's okay min, you know what those feelings and emotions mean?" asked chan.

"What does it mean?" minho repeated tilting his head.
"You need to figure it out yourself, min." chan chuckles.
"Huh," minho leefused.
They chit-chat for 1 more hour and play games, and it's already evening.
"Hey , hyung, I gotta go," minho tells.
"Yeah, Min, take care."
"You too hyung,,,"

On his way to his house, he kept on thinking about what chan told him.

'You need to figure it out yourself'

What is it that I need to figure out?

I almost told him my dream about jisung, oh gosh,,,my mouth.

He mumbled to himself, thinking of the younger, he had already reached home, heading inside the house and called for jisung

"Jisungie," he called from downstairs.
No response.
"Jisung, are you upstairs?" he asked, walking up the stairs. He entered into their share bedroom.

"Oh jisung, you are here? " he let out a relief sighed.
Jisung didn't replied.He just sat there reading a book.

"I thought you were not home," he said, walking to his closest and picking his clothes.

Jisung didn't reply to him at all.
"Jisung, why are you so quiet?" minho asked.
He looks at jisung , his eyes still on the books.
He left like that and went to change.
After he came back, jisung was still there.
"Hey sungie, what happened?"
"Are you mad?".

"CAN YOU STOP TALKING!" jisung suddenly yelled.
"You Are So Annoying," jisung added.

"Wha-" minho was clueskessly surprised, looking at him in confusion. But jisung left the room, slamming the door.

Minho follows him,

"What's wrong with you?" minho asked, he have no idea why jisung was mad at him suddenly when he was in a fine mood in the morning
"Jisung, talk to me," minho spoke.
Jisung didn't look not even uttering words.
"CAN YOU STOP IGNORING ME??" minho got frustrated and yelled. Jisung just glances at him and turns away, walking the kitchen.

"For Fuck Sake jisung, what's the reason!?" minho yelled.

"Stop caring for me minho, I know you don't like me, so stop acting like you care," jisung told

"Can you at least tell me what did I do wrong?" minho asked.

"Actually,  you did nothing it was me who let it happen!" jisung said, tears on his eyes.

"Wha- what are you talking about, jisung?" minho asked.

"About last night, do you even remember?" jisung asked, noticing minho have no idea what he was talking about.

"See, you don't  remember, right? I Hate You Minho, " jisung said, crying and leaving the house.

"Last night? What happened last night? Did I promise him something? "minho tried to recall his memories about last night.  Even though that scene came across his mind multiple times.He didn't think it was the reason.He still thinks it was just dirty dreams.

"Shit! I don't know what I did but I think I should apologised" minho told himself.

But why did he cry? It's not like I have done something wrong with him.
Oh wait-

"Last night we were watching movies, and - oh shit!" he exclaimed, "that was real!!?"
"What should I do now?" he muttered.

He ran outside the house and look every where on the walkways but he could not find him. He could not walk far, right? Should I call him? oh, no, I don't have his phone number(wow, what?)
"What should I do!?" he thinks.

He went searching for him but he was nowhere to be seen,where he could possibly go, it already night and dark.

Only street lights are lightning and running vehicles.
"Jisungie, where have you gone?"

After 30 more minutes of searching, he could not find him, he went back home hopelessly.
"I fucked up" he scolded himself.

He entered inside the house slowly walking to the couch while he was lost thinking where was jisung gone, he ended up falling asleep on the couch


I ran out from there crying. How could he not remember that?  Does it even matter to him that we slept together? Does he even care about our marriage?

He doesn't like me, he will never like me, he was using me! He has a girlfriend and is still not ashamed sleeping with me. He cheated on both!
"Am I his toy?"
Jisung thought and sobbed.
He walks around nearby, and it's almost night he came back home. "He is not home." Jisung looked around as he couldn't see Minho ,maybe he ran to his girlfriend,
I headed up to the bedroom no any longer I went to sleep.
It was already morning, how quick! I get off the bed walking downstairs only to see minho sleeping on the floor resting his head on the couch.

Arrannge Marriage- Unrequited | MinSungWhere stories live. Discover now