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"Good Morning sleepyhead" said minho, stretching and making a pop sound , jisung rubbed his eyes, yawning "gud morning."

"Sleep well?" asked minho, pecking jisung's lip "Yeah" jisung weakly uttered."Are you still tired?"asked minho," jisung nodded.

"Aww, my baby, I guess I went rough," said minho. "You did," 

"Weren't you the one who told me to go faster and said you are so good, Daddy?" minho teased, "shut up," jisung hit minho's arms .

After the clean up and everything, jisung sat on a cough watching TV, minho in the kitchen, cooking for his husband.
While the food is cooked , minho went to jisung smuggling and cuddling with him.

"What are you watching, baby?" said minho as he hugged his baby.

"Anya Waku Waku," jisung mimics the dialogue from the Tv he watched.
Minho chuckles at his cuteness. "So cute."

After hours, they are in their own room, Jisung is deep in thinking while Minho playing games on his game.

"Hyung?" called jisung "yes hi?" replied minho, continuing his game."Do you love me?"
Asked Jisung.

"Huh,why are you asking?" questioned minho immediately, looking at jisung."Just tell. "

"Of course I do...if I don't, why would I cuddle, kiss you, and do stuff that only lover would do?"
Answered minho, walking up to jisung sitting near him.

Jisung snuggled with minho, he sit on minho's lap and hugged him  "Do you know why our parents arranged this marriage?" asked jisung.

"I don't know," replied Minho.

"Maybe I know," said Jisung.

"You do?"

"Yes,,when I first have a crush on a guy I told my mom that I like him and want to marry him she asked if I really like him I said Yes she just nodded and smile and she asked does he like you too, no he don't I said"

"Ohhh..  " minho uttered, curious who the guy was.

"he didn't even knew my existence, my friends knows I had a crush on the guy and when ever I saw him or trying to talk to him the guy ignored me,,,and since then I tried to stop looking at him and even like him..later my mom told me that she arranged a marriage for me, I refused to agreed I didn't know who the guy is but eventually I had to......"jisung continued.

"Means you didn't want to marry me?" minho stopped jisung's sentence and said those.

"No....." jisung said and continued "And it was finally our wedding, I wanted to run or do what ever to stop the wedding I like Someone's else I didn't want to marry the unknown guy....and Then I saw you there in front of everyone I was like 'Why are you there?'. 'Is he the guy I'm gonna marry?'....i was surprised, "

"So you hate me? You don't like me, and that's why you asked a while ago if I love you or not?" said minho, losing the hugged feeling upset.

"No...listen-" jisung tried to continue his story.

"No, I don't want to. Go to that guy you like," minho said, standing up and continuing to play his game. He is jealous or mad, and we don't know.

Jisung gets off from the bed and walks to minho. "You still like him, don't you?" asked Minho his eyes on he computer.

"Yes, I do, a lot," said Jisung. "Then why are you here?" Minho asked, looking at jisung Hate on the fact that jisung still liked him.

Jisung then sat again on minho's lap and snuggled his both hands on minho's shoulder.Minho ignored him and stared at the computer

Arrannge Marriage- Unrequited | MinSungWhere stories live. Discover now