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They are cuddling, having sweet talks smiling at each other.
"Aren't you hungry?" asked Minho.
Jisung was bending his head on Minho's chest.
Jisung nodded "Yeah I am, "
"Okay , let's go eat," said Minho.
"Yup!" replied Jisung surely.


"Wake up , Ji," Minho whispered on jisung's ear.
"Hmm," jisung just hummed still.
"Wake up or I am leaving you at home alone!" said minho.
jisung quickly opened  his sleepy eyes.
"Where are you going?" asked jisung, looking up at minho.
"It's a surprise, but you can sleep, I'll cancel it," teased minho.
"No no..i'm awake!" jisung said , getting off the bed.
Minho chuckles.
"Cute," said minho , not loud for Jisung to hear.
"Let's have breakfast first," said Minho
"Yeah, okay,"  Jisung excitedly said.


They are now in the museum seeing a lot of beautiful pictures, they took a lot of pics and after half an hour they decided to go to a cafe .They have ordered their food.

"Ji, you want something else?" asked minho, sipping his coffee
"I want cheesecake,"
"Cheesecake? I thought you gonna ask something else....and also too much sweet foods is not good," Minho said.
"But I want cheesecake," jisung said, mumbled.
Minho irresistibly sighed.
"Okay...it is because you are so cute," Minho replied.
Jisung chuckles.
"Thank you....this is so sweet," said Jisung.
"But not sweet as you,"
Jisung blushed.
"Where do you wanna go next?" asked minho, looking at jisung eating his cheesecakes cutely like a squirrel.

"uhmmmmmm," jisung thought with his mouth still full of cake.
Jisung didn't even notice minho's face came closer to him until he...
Minho gives a quick kiss on jisung's lip, a little cake on his lip, and minho just lick and kisses.
Jisung eye widen he look around if somebody saw them.
"What are you doing?" jisung silently uttered.
"Kissing my husband, why?"
"Yeahh....but people could see,"jisung said.
"So what?"
"Have you thought where to go?"
"No... you interrupted my thoughts," jisung said continue eating his cakes.
Minho chuckles.
"Gosh....let's just go home then," said minho.

As they were walking, someone called jisung's name.
"You heard that?" asked jisung.
"What?" minho asked.
"No-" before he completed.
"Sungiee!" The person back hugged jisung, and jisung's recognises the voice.
"Ohh wooo," jisung replied.
"What are you doing here?" added jisung, paying his attention to his friend.
"Nothing. I just walked by, and I saw you, so I ran to you," Sunwoo replied.
"Glad to see you again, woo," giggled jisung.
"You too, sungie...Okkay sungie, will see you soon again, gotta go  " said sunwoo, pinching jisung's cheek.
"You are so much cuter today," added sunwoo.
"Thanks," cutely replied jisung.

After sunwoo and jisung bid a bye.
Minho and jisung started walking again.
But it's silent.
Both didn't utter a word.
Jisung was trying to talk first, but minho walked faster as if he were walking alone.

He followed minho and intertwined their hand, but minho didn't hold jisung's hand. He was still quiet.
"Hyung?" jisung uttered.
I looked up at minho, but minho didn't even try to glance at jisung. They reached home.
Minho went straight to their bedroom.
Jisung was just looking at him.
He sighed.
He followed minho.
"Hyung?" jisung called .minho  sitting on his bed.
"What's wrong?" asked jisung even though he knew but still.
"Nothing," minho uttered, taking his phone.
"No... there's something wrong, you were fine earlier," said jisung. She was about to grab minho's hand.
But minho stood up and walked to his closet to change his clothes. Jisung was just staring at him.
After minho's change, he came back sitting on bed, scrolling his phone again. Jisung was thinking what to do.He got up, walking to take his clothes too, and change, not going to the bathroom. He took off his clothes right there. He took off his pants first and left only his oversized shirt.
Minho obviously noticed him, but he tried to ignore and play it cool.

*(The photo is gone!!)*

But you think minho could resist?
"What are you doing?" asked minho, finally spoke.
"Uh.. you can see me?" he asked sarcastically.
"What do you mean?" asked minho, putting his phone aside.
"I thought I was invisible, so I decided to change here," said jisung, acting innocent.
"And what makes you think that?" asked minho, getting off from bed.
"Maybe someone who was ignoring me awhile ago," said Jisung with his acting.
Jisung didn't realise Minho came closer towards him.
"Tell me honestly, what were you trying to do, Han Jisung?" Minho asked .
Jisung finally woke up from his brave thought.
He gulped, hearing Minho'stern  voice.
"I-i was ju-just changing," said Jisung nervously.
"Hmm... shall I help?" Minho said.
Now he is so close.
Jisung could not say anything.
"What happened, Baby Boy?" said Minho, leaning down on Jisung's ear.
"We're you trying to seduce me? cause it works, " Minho whispered seductively.
Jisung eyes widen.
He did that to just get Minho's attention
But it looks like Minho's turn is in the mood

*(A/N: I lost those photos!)*

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