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Minho stood up from there harshly, which made everyone's eyes on him. And jisung also noticed that, but he still doesn't care....yet.
Classes are over.
Jisung was supposed to go home with minho as they came together in the morning.
But minho already left.

He ended up walking him alone. He reached house, but minho was nowhere to be. Didn't he leave early?
But jisung decided to ignore him, so let it be, he thought.  Now that he is home, he is nervous,

"Ohh...so you are back?" minho said with a smile on his face from behind, which startled jisung.
"Y-yes," jisung was hella nervous.
"Good," replied Minho, smiling.
"Min-" he was about to call.
"Don't call me. I'm going out, I don't know if I'll come home," minho said, grabbing his key.
"Where are you going?" asked jisung.
"None of your business, you can go to your boyfriend too if you want you are free," said minho, not even looking at Jisung.
"Bye," minho said.
Jisung sighed.

He knew he fucked up.
He was thinking of ignoring minho.
But it looks like Minho is ignoring him instead.


Minho went to a bar with full speed.
He gets into the bar, he is furiously mad and let's not forget the jealousy inside keep on building up as he keeps remembering the scenes in the canteen.
Those scenes of jisung with Sun Woo keep on flashing on his mind, and he feels like breaking the shit out of that guy.
He asked the bartender for a drink, he kept on drinking nonstop and talking nonsense, mumbling about the cause of this, he didn't even realise it was already.

Jisung is alone at home, not feeling good. He decided to watch something on his phone scrolling through Social Media whatever. He kept on scrolling until he saw....

Minho was drunk, hella drunk, his eyes betrayed him, everyone present there looked like jisung to him, he was hallucinating. Out of nowhere, a girl came towards him.

"Oppa!" the girl called.
"Oppa?" he repeated and chuckled.
'Since when did jisung call him opao ,he thought.
"What are you doing here, baby?" said minho, not really knowing who the girl is.
"Oppa?" The girl uttered kinda surprised, "what make you -" "Kiss me, " he cut her words before the girl could complete her sentences.
Minho pulled and kissed her. She was happily shock, why? Cuz that bitch has a crush on him for a long time, but minho ditch her always, and this is her chances.
She pulled him in the corner wall and kissed him, but before he could realise it someone took their picture kissing. Minho then realised just when his lip touch the stranger's lip, he back off....
"Who-who are you?" asked minho shockingly.
"Oppa you forget me?" asked the girl.
"Tzuyu!!" he uttered.

"Yeah it's me" said the girl hugging him.
"wait- back off." minho pushed her
"Why -why did you kiss me?" asked minho.
"You asked for it oppa," she calmly said and slightly confused.
"What the hell you are say-"minho said, looking at his wristwatch it's 9:46 pm.
"Ohh shit! I need to go, " he yelled and left.

When jisung was busy scrolling his phone.
He got into an account of a bar.
In this account, everything that caught happened in the bar would be posted on media.Just simple things like couples kissing, hugging or enjoying dancing, and singing like that.

He then...
He saw some kissing couples.

He was about to skip to another post, but he noticed something or someone similar kissing the girls.
It's kinda red dark, so he had to zoom it and it's

*Ring Ring* he heard a doorbell.
He didn't even know he was crying as he walked to the door. He opened, and it's was Minho.....
With his not-good appearances.
He looks so drunk, wastes.
"Jisung!" minho whispered, trying to hug jisung...
but jisung back off.
"Stop there!"
"Don't come near me, you cheater!" yelled jisung.

"Wh-what are you saying, Ji?" minho asked.
"Stop calling me that," jisung yelled, tears streaming down, and left to his room.

"Sungie.... Wait...."minho follows him.
"Jisung, wait!" minho yelled loudly.

Jisung then stopped.
"What's wrong?? Why are you running from me? " minho sternly said.

"What is this minho?" jisung shows the picture, minho was shocked. How the heck? But-
"That's not true...  "

"jisung , please, I can explain!"
"What?? What can you explain minho,this is a fucking proof already!" jisung yell and threw the phone through the room, minho was getting irritated he wanted to explain, but get mad as he recalled the moment of the day.
"Why are you mad if I kissed a girl!!?" He yelled,
"Look you agree!" jisung fake a smile with tears rolling down.


Jisung was startled by the sudden more loud voice.
"TELL ME!" minho yelled grabbing jisung's shoulder both side. He was stunned, he could not uttered a words, he knew he was in fault too.

But seeing minho this angry?!

"I-I was just--"

"You were just what?? Trying to make me mad?annoyed? jealous??" minho stated.
"Yeahh I am, I was jealous, so fucking damn jealous and you caused that!" minho added yelling at him madly.
"Min-minh-" jisung uttered.
"Don't min me!" Warn minho grabbing jisung's arms harshly.
"What were you thinking you were doing there baby?" minho staring at Jisung with anger.

"Did you enjoyed sitting on his lap?huh!" He asked shaking jisung's shoulder, jisung says nothing but silence.

"Do you wanna make another mistake!"  Minho sternly told. Jisung gulped hard, "hm? Do you?" He repeated with fierce look in his eyes, "or do you prefer that guy over me!?"
"You like sitting on other guy Lap that much!!" He coldly told with high jealousy in each tone.

"I'm your husband! I can do what ever I want to you! And you are never allowed to be with any other guy , got that!!" Minho shouted before pushing jisung to the bed.

"Take off your clothes,"
"They belong to the floor now!" Minho command.
Jisung was not processing anything at all.

"DO IT!!" Until minho yelled again, and he flinched.
He started to undress himself. He began to unbotton his shirt first, but he was too slow, and minho was impatient. He walked toward jisung bending close to him, making short eye contact before grabbing jisung hand away from the botton. Instead, he grabbed jisung collar in one hand and pulled him into a kiss, jisung was caught off guard, and his eyes widened, but that was expected, still he didn't returned the kiss, until minho put his another hand on jisung's nape pulled him into kiss even deeper and that was definitely a signed for jisung to return the kiss, and eventually jisung reciprocate the kiss.

The kiss went deeper, their lips danced together with rhythm, minho then bend closer with his whole body which let to jisung to crawled back and bend his body as well, finally minho was above hovering on top of jisung. The kiss was till proceeding throughout.
But , now it's jisung who dominates the kiss, and to minho's surprised he likes it either way.

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