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"Okay,  now you can put me down and leave, I'll take a bath first," Jisung said.
"Uhuh.  I thought we gonna shower together!" Minho said,  still carrying Jisung.
"No....you pervert!" Jisung said,  hitting Minho's chest.
"Pervert?? I'm your husband!" Minho spoke offended.

"Yeah. Mr Husband,"  said Jisung , rolling his eyes.
"You are cute, you know?"
"Of course, I know," Jisung sassily said.
Minho then put him down.
"If you still can't walk call me
after bath" Minho winks.
"Sure, sure, husband-sssi  now leave," jisungg shakes his head at Minho's flirtiness.

(time skip)

2 weeks later.
In those weeks, Minho and Jisung are becoming close, cuddly, and sweet as a sweet couple would be.

Jisung loves all the affection and attention he gets.
He thought his crush , who is his husband now is finally liking him back.

He even decided not to hang out much with Sunwoo.
And it has been that way until two days now that minho seems to be not giving much attention to jisung.

"Hyung," Jisung called Minho, sitting on a couch watching television.

"Hmmm," Minho responds, sitting beside Jisung scrolling his phone.

"Whom you are talking with?" asked Jisung.

"No one," replied Minho, his eyes still on his phone.

"Hmmm," Jisung sulkily replied.

He waited for a while. Maybe Minho would stop scrolling, but Minho didn't.

Jisung stood up with an irritated sigh, throwing the cushion on the couch.

Minho noticed but shrugged it off.

"Always on his phone," Jisung mumbled angrily, walking to the bedroom.

"He is the same as before he will never change," mumbled again Jisung with teary eyes.
He tugged into bed and tried to sleep. He had nothing to do. He wanted to cuddle with Minho, but it seemed like Minho was busy with someone or something.

Just like that, jisung fell asleep with a sulky face.

Minho was still downstairs.
When Jisung got up from there he was a little shocked at why was jisung throwing the cushion like that as if he was mad or something but Minho shrugged it off thinking it was just he threw it hard nothing else.

He scrolled back his phone, but his mind still lingered about Jisung.

He noticed Jisung was a bit sulky.

"Did I do something?" he asked himself.

"He was fine watching TV a while ago thou" he thought again.

"I think I should check," he said to himself and went upstairs just to see Jisung already sleeping.

He looks at Jisung's face 'Cute' he muttered, smiling at his cute husband, but why did he look puffy? Did he cry?

It was evening, so Minho decided to cook dinner for him and Jisung.

He went downstairs and started cooking.

Later, Jisung woke up.
He looks adorably cute his squirrel cheek is damn cute his messy hair is super cute walking downstairs yawning.

"You awake," said Minho from the kitchen.

Jisung heard and looked at Minho, but he just
"Hmm," respond him. He is still sulking.

Minho noticed that and went to Jisung cupping his cheek.

"What's wrong," Minho asked, blinking.

"Nothing," said Jisung, pushing away Minho's hands from his cheek.

Minho was just watching. I didn't know what made his husband sulk like that.

"Ji,  did I do something wrong?" asked minho concerned.

Jisung didn't respond and went to the couch to watch TV again.
He doesn't want to watch, but he tries to ignore minho.

"Say something, ji," said minho.

Jisung didn't replied his eyes fixed on the screen.

"Are you ignoring me??" asked minho.
He is now irritated by jisung's action.

(Karma bitch)

"So that is more important than me?" said minho pointing at the screen.

"Maybe" finally spoke up jisung.

Minho grew angry.

Minho then took the remote and off the television.

"What Are You Doing!" yelled jisung annoying looking at minho.

Minho didn't replied he just bend down near jisung face and looking at him for a second before attacking his lip.

Minho kissed him a simple kiss not a lust , needy types.

Jisung quickly respond and kissed back.

"why did you ignored me?" asked minho pulling from the kiss.

Jisung whine when he felt their lips apart.

"I was Mad at you" jisung said.


"You were busy on your phone maybe texting someone" said jisung sulking not looking at minho.

Minho chuckles.

"You thought I cheated on you?" asked minho.

Jisung keep silent.

"I will never do that" said minho snuggling into jisung.

Sitting on a couch with him cuddling hugging jisung waist.

Jisung smiles on that sentence and hugged him back.

This is my fav chapter I can say

I just found it cute.

I'm trying to end the story soon.

I'm working on the other similar story if any of you read then you know.

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