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Both of them are cuddling. They look like happy newlywed couples. Minho was hugging Jisung tightly.
Jisung head was on Minho's arm, and both legs were between Minho's legs. Minho slowly reached his hand under Jisung's shirt.

Jisung was only wearing boxers and an oversized shirt his collarbone was visible. He caressed every part. Jisung let out a soft groan.

"Ji? " minho whispered.

"Hmm?" Respond minho eyes closing.

Minho continued touching Jisung he sniffed jisung's nape, hairs .His hand travels to jisung's nipples pinching it.
"Ouchh," jisung groaned.
"Jisung?" minho needily whispered again.

"What?" jisung responded. He knows what's a minho problem, but he is too sleepy.

"Can we?"
minho said he was about to travel down jisung's private part. Jisung suddenly stops his hand
"Minho, not now," said jisung.
"But ji I-" minho whined.
"Min, I'm sleepy,"
"You can sleep... and I'll do my work," minho said excitedly.

"Gosh, no!,so needy, aren't you?" jisung replied.
Just then, Minho hovered over Jisung, kissing him.
"I didn't let you!"
"But thank you," said minho anyway, not listening to jisung
"Now sleep. I'll do my work," Minho said, as if he wint bother him if he gets what he

"Aashole! you think I can fall asleep when you keep on eating me!" jisung replied

"Then don't sleep,  let's work together, it will be more fun," said Minho sucking Jisung's collarbone
" no-ah!"Jisung whimpered.
Minho ignored the whimper and kept on doing his work.
He continues kissing Jisung's lip again, exploring inside, and Jisung can't stop moaning
"I want to hear it more,"
Minho took off their clothes

(Ohmygosh! I suddenly don't know how to write smut!)

Minho licked and suck every inch of jisung.
He suck jisung's nipples.
"Ahh~" mumbled jisung.
"You like it, baby?"minho said, looking up at jisung.
He smirked, and he continued teasing jisung with touches.

"Please, hyung, just do it already, stop teasing, or im gonna sleep," jisung stated, his eyes closed, feeling goddamn hot on his lower part.
"Of course I will, baby,"minho said
"Now spread your leg wide," jisung did as what minho told him

He inserted his finger in and thrust and added two more finger made jisung squirm.

"Hyu-ng," jisung whined.
"Don't worry, babe..."
Minho pulls his fingers ans set in his real thing.
"Gosh... you are still so tight, ji," minho adjusting.
"Tell me if I can move," minho said.
Jisung breathes.
"You can~"
The husband's continued their lovemaking until eventually they felt tired and slept. Both were lying on the bed tired, minho was hugging jisung, cuddling warmly.

"Ji?"minho uttered his eyes was already close, almost ready to sleep,
"I Love You" confessed minho, but he didn't get a reply. Maybe jisung is already sleeping.
Minho smiled and  slept.

However, Jisung was crying with happy tears,
Minho finally said,'I love you' to him. He thought he had been used because their are husband and did it just for needs, but maybe minho love him back? He was still not sure but he is happy and that's it He love him too.

"I love you too min- alot,"  jisung whispered and hugged munho more close and tightly.

- Thank god Minho didn't forget to pull out this time-Said reader


"Good Morning Ji"
"Good morning, Min," greeted jisung, rubbing his eyes.
Minho is giving a quick peck on jisung's lip.
"What do you wanna do today?" asked Minho.
"Nothing. Just want to be with you at home," said Jisung, crawling to hug Minho.
"Let's go make breakfast together," said Minho.
"Yup, let's Gaur."
"Drink this strawberry milkshake," Minho handed Jisung a drink.
"Thanks, Min."
"I wanna eat cheesecake."
"Huh, right now?"
"Yeah," Jisung said, showing his puppy eyes.
"Okay, let me just order real quick,"

"So, are you guys doing good?" asked Felix.
"Yeahhh," jisung replied happily.
"That really shows on your face," Seungmin stated, playing with jeongin's hairs.
"Soo. ....have he confessed to you, " Felix said, raising his eyebrow and waiting for an answer.
Jisung was thinking if he should tell about that night when minho said he loved him, but how to explain why he said that...?
"No, he haven't," jisung replied, staring at nothing kinda like spacing out.

"Hmm..." Felix hummed.
"What wrong? Why did you just hummed?" asked jisung, looking at Felix.
"Nothing. ...i'm  just surprised how can he not fall for you when you married for almost 2 months already and even like living at the same house? " Felix said, sipping his coffee.

Jisung was just listening and nodded.
"Yeah, eongin, do you have a boyfriend? Why do you keep smiling looking at your phone?" said jisung, frowning at his youngest friends
"Nope.....not boyfriend, but he is really nice to be my boyfriend," Jeongin giggled.
Felix was looking at seungmin, then at jeongin, then at jisung, and jisung seemed to notice.
"What's wrong, Felix?" asked jisung.
"Uhh, nothing," Felix replied nervously awkwardly.

"hmm okay" jisung sensed like Felix might need to spill some tea, and now he tries to just keep quiet.

"I.Nie, do you like someone?" asked seungmin.

"Yeah...i do" jeongin replied, smiling, then looking at Seungmin.

"Nothing, just wanna know if my little bro has a crush. Seungminin chuckles.

Felix, just look at them both.

"Seungminaa," Felix called.

"Hmm," Seungmin responds, looking to Felix.

"You Like jeongin, don't you?" Felix suddenly asked.

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