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"Just because we are married, it doesn't mean we are close," he said coldly.

"Okay.."I muttered, not looking at him.

We finally reached our mansion.
As he stopped the car, I didn't wait for him. I hopped out and walked towards our house.
It's huge. I get in and look around.
I let out a sigh, I felt tired and decided to walk to my room...wait- where's my room.

"Gosh, I have to ask him he must be already in his room," I muttered.

I went upstairs and I don't know which room he is in.
So I decided to look for him.
There's a door room leave open.
I went in.

"Minho hyung, are you here?" I asked.
No one responds.
But this room is really big.
A huge bed.

Han was busy looking at the room until he heard a door click.
He startles, looking behind and gosh.

Leeminho has just showered a towel around his waist, a water drop from his wet long hair and those sexy abs. Han has been staring at him for god knows how long.

"Why do you want?" Minho asked when he saw jisung stood there,

"Uh-i was about to ask about my room," jisung snapped out immediately and stuttered in his words.

"There's only one bedroom available here. Others are locked,"

"What only one bedroom?" Han said loudly.

"Yeah.. .today at our wedding our mom's told us to sleep in one room. Not like I want to -I don't to be with you in one room"

"So where am I gonna sleep," Han asked, annoyed by this man.

"On the couch!" Minho with an obvious tone in his word that no matter what, he is gonna sleep on the bed.

"No way, I'm gonna sleep in this room. You go sleep on the couch,"

"Hey, mister-i entered here first, and this room is mine now. You go sleep wherever you want,"

"What a rude old man," he said. He took one pillow and walked out of the room stomping.


It was already morning. Jisung was still sleeping on the couch, and Minho was coming downstairs already ready for college.He left a letter for the younger. And drive to college.

Later jisung also woke up he looked at the time it was not late to go to college he went upstairs carrying his luggage and ready for college after he finished he came downstairs he was about to leave when he noticed a paper on the table.

Hey, sleepyhead, before you wake up, I might be already at college. So I just wanna say that if you see me in college, don't try to approach me or talk to me.
Except for your friends who already know, no one should know about us being married.

Now bye, if you come to school or not I don't care. We are still strangers. I already told you yesterday.

I let out a sigh. After reading those letters, I feel like hitting him with a hammer. Who does he think he is to talk to me like that! Whatever, I have to get ready for college. Looking outside the house in the garage seem like I have to catch a bus, what the fuck with that amn, why didn't he atlesat take me with him, we are literally living together!

Usually, the couple will go to a honeymoon after their marriage but look at me here, have to suffer, and go to college. What a sad married life.

"Hi, jisung hyung," jeongin called.
"Hi I.Nie," I replied

"How are you guys," I asked.
"we are good and fine, sungie," Felix replied

"Where's minho hyung? Seung-min asked, looking behind me as he thought I might have come along with minho.

"Don't even take his name it's annoying," I said, walking, leaving them behind.

"What's wrong, jisungie?" Felix uttered as he walked along behind me

"Did you two fight?" Jeongin asked.

"Nothing, we didn't fight, but he was being an asshole. He left a letter telling me not to talk to him in college and ignore him like we were never married,"

"Omg! The audacity he have! " Felix gasp.
"He said that? How rude!, " the maknae yelled.

"Hey, hey baby." Seungmin calmed him down, jeongin then quickly turned to seungmin and said, "Hyung, how many times do i have to tell you not to call me baby? I'm a grown-ass guy," pretending to be angry like a Mad Fox.

"Okay, okay, grown-ass guy, calm down," I said, and we laughed at him. He was so cute.


I reached home, but minho hasn't come yet, he was not in the college either, he kept earlier than me.
I walked upstairs and took a shower. I came back downstairs. I'm hella hungry, but there's nothing to eat. Do I have to go out?? Ugh.

Before I went to the grocery store to buy stuff we needed for the house, I wanted to go buy cheesecake first. I entered the dessert shop.While I ordered a cheesecake, I saw someone familiar sitting with someone there, Lee minho! He was there with a girl, is he on a date? Does he have a girlfriend? Possibly.

The barister gave me a box-pack of cheesecake, and I paid and left.

When I reached home, I served all the ingredients in the refrigerator along with my cheesecake, I decided to do a little cleaning of the house as I went to college in the morning, but there's obviously no much work to do since we just started to live here yesterday.

It's been hours since I've been watching TV, I'm feeling sleepy right now, I instantly switch off the TV and head up to the bedroom, I fell asleep.


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