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Lip kissing was definitely not enough as he began to trail down the kiss all over his face , to jisung's neck, minho began to suck jiusng's adam's apple, he went lower and suck jisung's collarbone, jiusng let out a whimpered, minho then went back up to the neck sucking it really hard, leaving a red spot on return he get a loud moan from jisung wincing "ah!"
"Want more?" Minho asked but give it anyways, he leave another hickey on another side of jisung's neck, "you taste good"  he uttered. "Ah!hyung!" Jisung whinpered.

Minho went for another lip kissing, biting jisung's lip earning a very sinfully moan, "aah~uhmg!"
His hand went through to jisung shirt, started to unbotton the undone buttons halfway, after taking off jisung's shirt he traveled his hand through jisung's body which send butterflies shiver through his spines.
His hand stop on the hem of jisung's pants, he was hesitate to take it off, he look at jisung distracting him by kissing his lip so jisung won't have the feeling of embarrassment, as his hand slide down and slowly undress jisung pants he continues with the kiss, unknowingly jisung reached his hand over minho's shoulder, he slowly traveled his hands over minho's hugging him by his neck, and mumbled, "hyung~"

Minho heard it but says nothing while moving his head sniffing over jisung's neck, "hyung?" Jisung called again,   meanwhile minho let out a simple hum, "Hmm?"
"Please" said jisung.
"Please what?"
"Please do it"
"Do what?"
Jisung whines, knowing minho's is playing around, "hyung please!"
"Tell me what you want!"
"I-i want"
"Want ice cream?" Minho teased.
"Noo~ hyung?" Jiusng was embarrassed to tell, what he want on top of that minho is teasing him.
"Sorry baby!" Minho chuckles.
"Don't be so needy, wait "told minho, jisung tried to hide his blush.

By now both were already naked, not having to get off the bed to take the lubes , yeah only lubes, he open the droll near on the night stand, "spread you legs baby"
Jisung blushingly did and winced from the coldness of the lubes , his junior was already hard from the makeout earlier, "ah~cold"
"It will be warm soon, you just have to let me inside you" said minho shamelessly, "hyung!"
"AH~just be quick please!"

Minutes later, the room was completely filled with moans, skin slapping, groaning, the atmosphere in the rooms was hot and sweaty, minho was breathing heavily as he goes in and out of jisung's,  their body move together up and down, in order to lesser jisung's pain minho distract him by kissing,"hy-ung f-fastee"
"Gladly~" minho replied as he went faster therefore it goes deeper,"ah!angh!uh-"
"I c-an feel it de-deep inside m-me!"
"Yea-h you are taking me so well".....

After thrust , and thrust, and thrust, and thrust,..
Minhovfinally hit jisung's wall, his dick was so into deeply inside jisung, he feel like he get inside a whole new world , however it was the tight feeling and the tightness of jisung's hole which clenched around his massive gradually growing length.
"Ah~ sungie~ "

They did the dirty stuff for more than an hour until they eventually fell asleep.

It's morning .
Jisung woke up first and saw a beautiful, messy horny husband sleeping on top of him.
Did they?? With pure intention?No mistake, right?
He tried to move and to get minho's off him but he paused and he realised, minho was still inside Jhim, his face went crimson red.
"Minho hyung~," jisung blushingly called but came out as a whispered
"Hmm," minho moved just hummed and still not waking up "hyunh??" He called again
"Daddy~" he whispered,  minho immediately jolted his head,, "What is it, baby?" minho smirk.
"You are still in.." he could not complete.
"Yeahh, I see. ..shall we continue?" minho said didn't even let jisung talk and kiss him.
"Hyu-Mmmmhh," jisung uncompleted words becoming moaning.
"Taste so good," minho uttered
"Hyung, stop now.. It's already morning. "
"So what... we are not going to college.... you can't walk, can you?"minho asked  already knowing the answer is 'No'.

"Hmmm," jisung responded and stayed silent.
Minho noticed this.
"What is wrong, ji?" asked minho concerned.
Jisung stay quiet for a second before he decided to speak,, "Is this also a mistake?" asked jisung, thinking about what minho would answer.
"What makes you think that?" asked minho a little disappointed.
"Just- i just wanted to know..." Jisung uttered his tone barely heard, he was afraid and will be really upset, if he won't get the answer he expected.

Minho then realised that what they did before should not be called 'Mistake', and maybe that's why jisung was mad about it, thinking it was just a mistake.
Minho didn't want it to be called Mistake either, but he was scared and worried.

"Ohh... Actually, " Minho uttered and stopped.
Jisung was tense and waited for the answer. Will he say this is a mistake, too? I'm divorcing him or killing myself if he said that once again, jisung thought wildy.

"What were you gonna say?"
"Jisung, do you think the first time we did it was a mistake?" minho asked seriously.
"No... I don't want it to be a mistake, but you said so, and I accepted it, " jisung said, looking at the other side.
They were actually looking at each other since they woke up.

"I didn't want it to be a mistake either, but I thought you agreed to do it because I forced you,"

"So....what does that mean?" asked jisung." She looked at minho.

"If it was not a mistake, then what was it?"
"What do you think it was?"
"For me..." jisung has many things to say.

How can he say that he has been having a crush on him since before their marriage and he is glad that he did it with him and he was his first.But He don't know what to say.

"....It was something I have been waiting for?" jisung mumbled.
"What?" minho asked.
Did he hear that right,
"Nothing... "jisung stated,

"We're you really jealous when I was with Woo?" jisung teasing him, implying the name 'Woo'.

Minho ignored the question and sternly asked
"What did you just calmed him?"

"What did I just call him?..Wooo? Yeah, " jisung innocently replied.

"Don't forget you are still under me,"minho said staring at jisung as if to wreck him again with jealousy.
Now, just their realisation hit again, Minho was still inside jisung.

"Guess my dick really like your hole," minho said, smirking.
"Shall we continue?" minho teased.
"Why?"  Minho pouted.
"I'm tired,"
"hmm....was i good?" Minho asked, jisung pretended to think , minho offended, "yes"  minho had a satisfying smile.

"Why didn't you pulled out?"
"I forgot"
"Fuck you"
"Uhuh? Again?"
"No-Aah-" jisung said but turn into a moan when minho started to thrust inside him, "ah!-ah~please hyung~" jisung said with a begging eyed like puppy.

"Okay, okay, sorry" he said before pecking jisung, and then slowly pulled out his member .

"Get up...." minho said.
"Jerk! you think I can walk?" asked jisung
Minho holding his laugh.
"Okay okay... I'll carry you" minho said carrying jisung in a bridal style walking to the bathroom, showering together

Arrannge Marriage- Unrequited | MinSungWhere stories live. Discover now