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"Of course, cousin can be clingy," Seungmin said, making Jisung more irritated.

"Gosh, I wanna go home," Jisung said, pushing his plate away.

"Yeah, go home and leave your husband with her," Felix said, eating his food

"Yeah....and I'll record it and will send it to you later," Jeongin said, sipping his drink.

"You guys, I hate you," Jisung said, rolling his eyes.

"Thanks, we love you too," said Seungmin.

Jisung sighed.


"How could he do that? Who is she? he didn't even look back, " he said to himself, walking inside the house and stomping.

She could not be his girlfriend, right?

He sighed, even if she was or she was not. I don't care he would never like me.

He reached home and put his back on the couch as he thought of doing some study tonight.
He went upstairs to shower and came back downstairs it was still evening, so he cooked dinner first and later studied.

It's been 1 hour, and he is now sitting on the floor in between the couch, which is not so far from the tables he took out his notebooks and started doing his work.

He didn't even realise he fell asleep there.
He looks up at the hanging clock, and it shows it's already 7:50.

Is Minho back home or not yet? he thought.
If he is, he would have woken me, right? the author shrugged her shoulder.

He gets up and puts his notebooks back in his bag and heads upstairs. As he entered inside, he saw Minho already sitting on the bed scrolling his phone.

"Yaaaaaaaaah!" jisung yelled.

"Wh-what? Minho yelled back.
He was startled by the sudden yell before answered.

"When did you come home, and why didn't you wake me up?" he said.

"Why do I have to wake you?" he said, frowning

"You slept by yourself and should wake up by yourself....besides, you were sleeping peacefully," he added, scrolling back into his phone.

"Uh-i thought you are not gonna come home," he said, rubbing his nape.

"And why do you think so?" he asked.

"uhm-becuz...uh never mind," Jisung said and left the room.

"What happened to him?" he said, looking at where Han was a moment ago...

"Are Not You GONNA SLeeP!" he yelled from his room.

But Jisung didn't answer.

"UFff this guy?"Minho shook his head when he didn't get any answer.


Han heard him but just didn't want to answer.

He lay down on the couch and slept.

It was morning, and as usual, they are getting ready for college, not together though, today Jisung woke up early and left first.

And Lee knows it comes later.

Han headed to his class and sat there.

His friends have not come yet.

He decided to walk around.

Well, luck in the morning.

He bumps into someone.

"Uh, sorry!" he said and bowed.

"No, no, it's okay, Han," the guy said.

"Huh? You know me," asked Han.

"Yeah, of course, and you are friends with Seungmin, Felix, and Jeongin," the guy said smiling.

"Wow, but I don't know you," Jisung replied, smiling awkwardly.

"It's okay now that we finally talk. Let's gotta know each other," the guy said, forming a friendly smile.

"Yeah, sure!" Jisung replied.

"By the way, I'm Kim Sunwoo," he introduced.

"Okay, so are you older than me? Should I call you Hyung or?" jisungg asked

(I forgot to mention that now they are walking somewhere)

"My birthday is on 12 April 2000 and you?" Sun woo asked, looking at Jisung.

"Me too, but you are 5 months older. Mine is 14 September," he said.

"Wow, we can be good buddies," Sun Woo said.

"Yeah,"Jisung replied.

"Let's go back to our class," Sunwoo stated.

"Ohh, are we in the same class!... I didn't see you," Jisung asked. He didn't know they were classmates.

"Yeah, bro....you we're all there bickering with your three best friends," Sun Woo said dramatically, acting hurt.

"Haha, don't be so dramatic, I just gotta know you today," Han chuckles.

Just when they entered the classroom. The bell rings.
SunWoo looks at Jisung, and Jisung lets out a relieved sigh.

"Thank God, we were almost late,"Jisung uttered.

"Yeah," Sun Woo replied.

And both of them went to their seat.

Jisung looked behind and noticed Minho was glaring at him, but he quickly turned to look at Sunwoo and smiled, just to know where Sunwoo was sitting nothing else.

"Okay, sungie, now tell me, why are you with that guy and ditched us?" Felix asked, staring at his friend sulkily.

"Haha, lix, you are cute, I bumped into him, and I didn't ditch you guys. You were late," Jisung said.

"How many people you have bumped into sungie?" Seung-min said savagely.

Jeongin laughed.

"Huh... What do you mean?" jisung asked, taking out his notebook.

"Before you bump into some guy name Jungkook, you became friends, and today you bumped into that guy, and I guess you are friends now with him too," Jeongin said, pouting.

"One day he gonna ditched us for real," Seung-min said fake, crying.

"Ugh guys, I would NEVER ditch you. You are the BESTEST friend ever I could ask for, "Jisung said, indicating the words 'Bestest'.

"Yeah yeah sure" replied Felix.
"But did you notice the way Minho hyung stared at you when you came with that dude?" Felix added.

"What do you mean?" jisung asked, not understanding.

"Ughhhh never mine sungie, you are stupid."Felix can't believe he could be so 'Pabo'.

"He looks confused, I Guess?" Seungmin said, not even sure himself side-eyed, looking at Jisung.

"You guys are weird today," Jisung said, rolling his eyes.

"Not more than you, hyung," Jeongin stated back.

"Yaahh Yang I.N," Jisung yells loud enough for his only friends to hear.

"Sorry, hyun-" Jeongin said, laughing.
And then the teacher came.

"Good morning, Sir!" The student stand up all greeted.

"Yeah, take your seat,everyone" the teacher told.

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