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"How can I not flirt with you, baby? you are too cute to resist,"  Sunwoo flirts again.
"Soo?? Do I have to flirt back so you can stop?" jisung said.

"Yeah, I would love to react to your flirts," sunwoo replied , touching his chest dramatically having and imagination of  it.

"Ohh man , this dude, I used to think you are kind of not so good guy, but you ain't different from us" Felix said and Sunwoo chuckles.

"That's why I'm friends with Jisung too, cuz I'm just like Jisung's boyfriend, I mean Friends" sun woo teased smiling at Jisung.
"I'm gonna hit you with my hella think bag one day" Jisung stated.
"Nah hit me with your heart, It will be more desirable"
"Bye- I'm going to class, I can't sit here longer with your flirts" Jisung gets up with a sigh and all his friends laugh.

"Hey squirrel, wait up" Sunwoo laugh and follow after him.

"No way I don't want to hear your flirty jokes anymore" Jisung said walking towards his class.
"No I won't flirt again" Sunwoo calmed his laugh.
"Yeah better don't ".


Now I'm home.
I let out a sigh.
"I'm sorry"
"For what"
"For last night, I should not have yelled at you...I don't know what had gotten into me?" Minho told.
"Hmmm" I simply answer
"Are you still mad?" Minho asked concerned.
I didn't know what to say. I like him though but what he said last night hurts.
Why did he say that I slept with another guy?
Does he think I'm those type of person?
"No," I said as I walked upstairs.
"I know you are lying" Minho stated.

He follows me.

"Why are you following I told you I'm not mad," I asked turning to look at him.

"You are! And accept my apologised."

"Why should I? You said I slept with another man and you still apologised to me?"I started.

"I'm Sorry okay?" I just - I just don't know why I got angry" Minho said not looking at me.

Now do you think I can keep on being mad at him?
"Thanks, Sungie" he hugged me.
This took me off-guard.
Did he just hug me?
"I think I should make dinner for my husband for accepted my apologised" he chuckled walking downstairs.
What? Did he just call me husband???
What is wrong with him?
I flustered.
Does he like me?
No, it can't be right.
It's just he wants to make up.
Yeah. I should not keeps my hopes up
After a nice shower, I walk downstairs.
"Sungie, dinner is ready" Minho called.
"Coming hyung " I replied.
"Wow hyung taste good" I give a thumbs up.
"Thanks Sungie"
"Hey hyung, why are not you eating too?" I asked
"I am not hungry, I ate lunch at my friend's house" minho told.
"Oh" I uttered.
He had lunch on that girl house?maybe.
Who really is she?
He told me yesterday he doesn't have a girlfriend, I don't see any friends of his either besides her.
"Sungie,  wanna watch some movie?" minho said.
I snapped back from my thoughts.
"Umh yeah sure" I replied.
"Okk I'll go searching for movies"
"yeah I'll be there," I said
I keep on thinking about that girl.
"Hey sungie come hear" minho called.
"I pick this one I have never watched it though" minho told me.
"Ohh....me neither" I replied making myself comfortable on the couch and he did the same too.

No one uttered a word, they are focusing on the movies. Appear a kissed scene and it's was awkward, they both don't know what to do.

They still watched maybe it will stop soon.
None of them knows if they should stop watching or continue.
'What if the other wants to watch' they have the same thought.

About minho to say it didn't turned him on is a lie, not because of the Movie.But because of his memories.He recalled about that night when he had a wet dreams of Jisung.

He look at jisung who was still looking at the screen expressionlessly.He stares at his eyes, nose, lips, exposed collarbone, jaw lines, adam's apples, and waist....gosh he has the smallest waist out of the boy he had ever seen.

He looks down at his crotch.He knew it.He need to hide it what if Jisung noticed and think of him as a pervert?

The movies is getting spicier.

Han could not watched anymore, he turned aside to hide just to hit his face on minho chest.
He didn't know minho was looking and his body was turning to him.
And his hands placed on minho's thigh.
Minho was stunned by the touched.
He tried not to look suspicious.

"Sungiee..   " he called sounds like a whisper cuz he is yeah you know.

"Why did you pick that movie?!" jisung exclaimed.

"uh-uhmm I didn't know it's this kind of movies"minho said staring at jisung.

And yes jisung be complaining at minho for picking the movies, and that he should have checked first, and that he is still so young to watch those kinds of movies....blah blah.

Meanwhile, minho didn't listen to what jisung was saying he was lost in starting at jisung....his gaze watched every part of Jisung and then he stare at Jisung's lip.
Jisung keep blabbering...until, minho could not help but kiss that nosy lip, jisung was shocked by the sudden touch of minho's lip, hilis eyes open wide in surprised.

Minho grabbing jisung waist pulling jisung closer.Jisung didn't kissed back and minho feel that.

He bite jisung's lip jisung let out a soft moan and his mouth open.Minho took the opportunity and insert his tongue inside jisung's mouth.
He explored every corner of jisung's mouth, and jisung can't stop moaning.
This makes minho even more turned intimated
He pushes Jisung onto the couch , still kissing.
He went down to jisung's chin, jaws, neck, collarbone,all where he was eyespiercing before.
"Min-minho hyung!" jisung let out a whispered moan.
"Min-" jisung closed his eyes when he feels a bite on his neck.
"Are you even serious!?"

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